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15.04.2010TEDI TEDI Trans European Drug Information Mireia Ventura – Energy control Barcelona Alexander Bücheli – City of Zurich youth counseling Streetwork.

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Presentation on theme: "15.04.2010TEDI TEDI Trans European Drug Information Mireia Ventura – Energy control Barcelona Alexander Bücheli – City of Zurich youth counseling Streetwork."— Presentation transcript:

1 15.04.2010TEDI TEDI Trans European Drug Information Mireia Ventura – Energy control Barcelona Alexander Bücheli – City of Zurich youth counseling Streetwork

2 15.04.2010TEDI Introduction T.E.D.I. is an professional database on which every project working in the Nightlife field, how is active in prevention, harm reduction and/or provide a drug-checking facility can post their information. The database will not be for the public the information are only for professionals which sign an agreement!

3 15.04.2010TEDI Partners Eve&Rave, Berlin Germany Modus Fiesta, Brussel Belgium V.A.D., Belgium Techno+, Paris France ChEck iT! Vienna Austria Check iN, Porto Portugal Jugendberatung Streetwork, Zürich Switzerland IMIM-Hospital del Mar- Barcelona DIMS, Netherland

4 15.04.2010TEDI Content of the database Analysing results Trend reports Information on new substances and consumption patterns Standards concerning the: –different drug checking methods –Sample information (picture, weight, etc) Good practice example on methods, evaluation, counselling Documents Evaluation results Annual reports

5 15.04.2010TEDI Reason Having more knowledge about the European drug market Difficulty for data exchange because the lack of standards Missing a specific communication platform about information on recreational drugs and drug-checking methods No statistical evaluation of recreational drugs possible until Structural exchange instead of informal contact. No warning system specific on recreational drug’s Empowerment of the field worker – substance knowledge can create a higher credibility because they know what they are talking about. No “lobby” for drug-checking

6 15.04.2010TEDI Aim’s Favour public health with creating a monitoring and early warning system specific for recreational drugs. Creating the possibility to react more efficiently with new prevention measures and giving more credibility to messages. Obtaining a better quality of drug-checking results and warnings. Better exchangeability of warnings, drug-checking results, evaluation, trend reports and other related information. Showing the importance of drug-checking as a prevention and harm reduction tool

7 15.04.2010TEDI Situation at the moment TEDI exists as a yahoo group since 2008 For the moment the activities are: –exchange of warnings –information about new substances –specific evaluation on substances TEDI is part of the NEW project submitted to the EU commission this years

8 mCPP INTRODUCTION Appeared as adulterant of MDMA Many countries of Europe: Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Denmark New drug of abuse? Belgium and Northern France, was sold as a recreative pill in itself

9 mCPP DATA mCPP20052006200720082009 Energy Control7,10%42,90%25,60%13%45,25% Check It 1,50%14,50%19,20%52,40% Jellinek000011,70% Safer Clubbing2%5%2%7%15%

10 mCPP DIFFUSION To the users by warnings on site Safer Clubbing has more than 50% of alerts related with mCPP Public general by press release

11 Levamisole INTRODUCTION

12 Levamisole 200820092010 %n%n%n Energy Control00451296573 Check ItNo data2223No data Jellinek16924181No data Safer Clubbing0033837067 Levamisole DATA

13 Levamisole DIFFUSION To the users by personal communication To the medical collective

14 Mephedrone INTRODUCTION Synthetic stimulant related to cathinone (related to Khat plant) Popularity is related because it seems an alternative legal to MDMA and cocaine

15 Mephedrone What should be done? Mephedrone should stay legal. David Nutt. Thursday, March 18, 2010 Credible educational and harm reduction advice about this drug are urgently needed. Adam Winstock- BMJ March 2010

16 15.04.2010TEDI Contact Mireia Ventura Energy Control Barcelona Alexander Bücheli City of Zurich, Youth Counseling Streetwork

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