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History Detectives 1 Melee produces 2 Civil War Martyrs.

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1 History Detectives 1 Melee produces 2 Civil War Martyrs

2 What is a melee? What is a martyr? We are going to answer these questions and several others as we try to get to the truth about the first casualties of the Civil War. Our first stop is in Alexandria, Va. It is a town that was across the Potomac from Washington, D.C.

3 The Marshall House Here at the Marshall House was the First ‘flash point ‘of the Civil War. we observe a historical plaque Hanging on the wall which should Give us some information about What happened here.

4 Look at the next slide. Make a list of the information that the plaque tells you. Then make a list of questions about the information that is not there that you need to know to understand the incident. Was it a melee? Let’s look up the definition of a melee and see if our incident was one. I guess we will have to dig more to find out if it was a melee and what really happened?


6 So according to this plaque, what is a martyr? Write down what you think it is in your notebook. We will Add to your definition as we find out more information.

7 Here is another document from the same incident. What do you observe here?

8 Now we have the name of the first victim. Who are the other men in the picture? We know one of them (victim number two as honored on the plaque we read) but not the third man. So we will need to dig deeper.

9 Where would you look to find out about an event that took place recently if you lived in 1861? 03/5721562918/in/photostream/ 03/5721562918/in/photostream/

10 So now we have the two martyrs. What do you think a martyr is? Write what you think in your notebook on a left-handed page. We will update Our ideas as we go along.

11 Before we go any farther let’s see what we can learn from these two photos. The one on the left is Capt. Ellsworth. The one on the right is James W. Jackson. They were the 2 men killed in this incident. Make a chart with Ellsworth on the left and Jackson on the right so we can Record our observations and other facts we find out.

12 Our next stop is the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Here we will find an exhibit commemorating the 150 th anniversary of the death of Ellsworth and the start of the Civil War. This is a current exhibit so what will the point of view be in regard to the two men? (Why is it about Ellsworth and not Jackson?)

13 As we go through the exhibit please take notes in journalistic style, i.e. 5 W’s and an H. Who What When Where Why and How Add to your chart about the 2 victims. We are trying to answer the original questions, what is a melee and what is A martyr. There are a few new questions as well. Who is the third man in the picture? We also want to know how the men became martyrs and how the public Responded to their deeds.

14 This exhibit was helpful but there are a few unanswered questions. How did Ellsworth come to be friends with Lincoln? What is the Illinois Connection? What is a Zouave really? Do you think Francis Brownell deserved the Medal of Honor? Before we can be sure of what went on in this melee and afterwards, we Need to do some more research. Now move into the groups of three I have assigned you. Half of you will be Dealing with the North and the other half the South. I will give you articles To read and analyze for more information about our two martyrs and how They grew to be regarded as heroes. After 20 minutes you will report back to the class with the additional Information you discovered in your research.

15 Wrap up It is now time to reveal what we have learned about this incident in history. What questions were answered? Were there any questions that would need Further research? Analyze your own journey through this investigation. What did you learn about being a History Detective?

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