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4 a What are the advantages of using wind power? Wind power does not use up fuel This means there are no fuel costs and no pollution from burning fuel.

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Presentation on theme: "4 a What are the advantages of using wind power? Wind power does not use up fuel This means there are no fuel costs and no pollution from burning fuel."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 a What are the advantages of using wind power? Wind power does not use up fuel This means there are no fuel costs and no pollution from burning fuel. Unlike burning fossil fuels, wind power does not release gases/carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming. 7Ic Other energy resources 456 4-6

2 4 b What are the disadvantages? The wind turbines take up land/spoil the landscape for some people/are a possible danger to birds. Wind farms don’t produce electricity when it is not windy. Wind farms produce relatively little power for each turbine compared with power stations, so a very large number of turbines would be needed to make enough electricity for everyone’s needs. 7Ic Other energy resources 457 4-7

3 5Write down three examples of using water to generate electricity. 7Ic Other energy resources waves tides hydroelectricity 4

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