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Thursday 12 November How did the idea of democracy evolve in ancient Greece?

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1 Thursday 12 November How did the idea of democracy evolve in ancient Greece?

2 How did the idea of democracy evolve in ancient Greece? Copy warm up notes:  People began to trade with each city-state to meet their needs. During this time, city leaders began to emerge.  Emerge= come into view, rise up

3 How did the idea of democracy evolve in ancient Greece?  Now let’s read about Tyranny.  Now, let’s experience the rule of Tyranny in our class room.  Then, take these notes

4 How was this form of government practiced in Ancient Greece?  A tyrant gained power by force. He made false promises to the people. He ruled with an iron fist; obey his laws or die! Laws benefitted the tyrant.

5 Why did this form of government decline in ancient Greece?  The rule by force an iron fist was too much for the people. They realized they could rule themselves as a group…so off with his head!

6 How did the idea of democracy evolve in ancient Greece?  Now, let’s read about Democracy  Let’s experience direct Democracy in the classroom  Take the notes

7 How was Democracy practiced in ancient Greece?  Demos = people; kratos = power. Participating in the government was open to all adult male citizens (rich or poor). They attend a citizen assembly about 40 times/year. Decisions were reached by public debate and vote.

8 You page 6 assignment  Read over the notes of page 7.  Do you see the evolution of democracy in the notes?  Turn this evolution into an illustrated flow chart or a cartoon on Page 6.  See my example.

9 Summary for today  Which form of government was the worst in your opinion? Explain your answer.

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