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wildlife: animals or plants which live or grow in natural conditions wild animal.

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3 wildlife: animals or plants which live or grow in natural conditions wild animal

4 Let’s enjoy a wonderful movie “The Lion King” (Please try to find out what animals you can see in the movie)

5 Let’s enjoy some pictures of some endangered animals. Talk about them as much as you know with your partner.

6 Tibetan antelope (藏羚羊)

7 South China Tiger 华南虎 South China Tiger 华南虎

8 panda

9 tiger antelope milu deer panda Do you know what endangered animals are dying out in China?

10 Why are these animals dying out? too much hunting

11 What do people kill them for? fur & skin

12 meat tusk

13 Wild plants and animals have to look after themselves. They need food, a good environment and safety. If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food, their numbers may decrease. As a result these endangered animals may even die out. They need help. This is what wildlife protection is all about.

14 Some wild animals disappeared or died out. What problems are the wild animals facing? lack of food, bad environment, people’s hunting and killing … What should we do to protect wild animals?


16 How Daisy learned to help wildlife What’s this passage about?

17 Look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage and predict the main idea of this passage.

18 Background Information What is WWF? World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会  world’s largest privately financed conservation organization  protect endangered species and their habitats  works in more than 100 countries with nearly 5 million members


20 Where did Daisy go? Who took her there? What kind of animal did she meet in each place? Tibet, Zimbabwe and rain forest. A flying carpet. An antelope, an elephant and a monkey.

21 1. How did the antelope feel? The antelope felt sad. 2. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? In order to get the wool which is used to make sweaters.

22 Animal: Tibetan Antelope Situation: Being hunted for the fur under its stomach Result: Numbers are decreasing rapidly Main idea: Why we need wild life protection

23 Daisy traveled by a flying carpet. Antelopes are killed for the wool that is taken from under their backs.stomachs.

24 Animal: elephants in Zimbabwe Situation: previously hunted with numbers decreasing rapidly Main idea: A good example of wildlife protection

25 Result: protection by farmers who make money from tourism & Main idea: What we can get form wildlife protection

26 Animal: a millipede from tropical rainforest Situation: produces a drug naturally which can protect us from mosquitoes Result: Daisy plans to tell WWF about the drug

27 a. stop man from killing them. b. build the protection zone. c. have them fed by man. We should Ways of wildlife protection

28 What things had Daisy learned? 1)She had learned that the wild animals were being killed or hunted. And they are dying out. 2) She knows how the animals in the rain forest live together. 3)She also learned it necessary to protect the wild animals.


30 The first stop Purpose: to see some ________________ Place: ______ Animal: ________________ Situation: being hunted for the wool beneath its stomach and numbers are __________ rapidly endangered wildlife Tibet Tibetan antelope decreasing

31 The second stop Purpose: to go to a place with wildlife _________ Place: Zimbabwe Animal: African ________ Situation: used to be hunted while now being protected by farmers making money from _______________ protection elephant tourism / tourists

32 The third stop Purpose: to go to a place where the WWF is involved Place: _________ Animal: _______ Situation: The monkey can use the millipede insect to protect itself from __________. rainforest monkey mosquitoes

33 1. Why did elephants use to be an endangered species in Zimbabwe? A. Tourists hunted too many elephants. B. Farmers hunted them without mercy. C. The government encouraged farmers to hunt them. D. Their living environment was seriously polluted.

34 2. What can be inferred from the elephant’s words, “Have you come to take my photo”? A. It thinks itself a beautiful animal. B. Elephants are friendly to human beings. C. Money from tourists went to the large tour companies. D. Now many more tourists come to take its photos rather than hunt it.

35 One day Daisy went to see the animals that gave fur to make her _______ in a flying chair. It flew away to ______ in China first, where she saw an ________. The antelope told her that they were killed for the _____ that was taken from sweater Tibet antelope wool

36 their ________. Then the carpet flew away to __________, where Daisy saw an ________. The elephant said they were endangered in Zimbabwe. ________ used to hunt them without _______. Zimbabwe elephant Farmers mercy stomachs

37 Now they allowed tourists to hunt only a _______ number of animals if they paid the farmers. The flying carpet rose again and almost at once they were in thick rain ______. certain forest

38 A _______ was rubbing a millipede ______ which contains a powerful _____ over his body because it could protect him from __________. So Daisy decided to produce this new drug with the help of ______. The carpet rose and flew home. monkey insect drug mosquitoes WWF

39  Make a dialogue between Daisy and Antelope.  Make a dialogue between Daisy and Elephant.  Make a dialogue between Daisy and Monkey.


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