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Adverts in consideration. Different adverts and futures Adverts will have different audience that they need to get attention from. Adverts have different.

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Presentation on theme: "Adverts in consideration. Different adverts and futures Adverts will have different audience that they need to get attention from. Adverts have different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adverts in consideration

2 Different adverts and futures Adverts will have different audience that they need to get attention from. Adverts have different perspectives when they make and advert, no matter is it is a television advert or a magazine advert. Some will be aimed at people that might have an interest in food, travelling or cars. Making an advert you will have to take into consideration that some people will not have an interest in the brand or that kind of product. So you will have to make sure you will be able to get the costumers attention, with the advert.

3 Small Upper class Medium-sized Middle class Large manual working class A widely used concept in describing a target group market is that of social class. The most commonly used system to describe these differences within media and sales in the JICNARS social grading scale. It was originally devised as a way of measuring newspaper audience. Despite its wide use in the media there are a number if difficulties with this scale, not least its concepts of ‘head of the house hold’ which is assumed to be male. However, even with difficulties, researchers still use the scale so they compare their results with others. JICNARS

4 Social GradeSocial statusOccupation AUpper middle-classHigh managerial, administrative or professional BMiddle-classIntermediate managerial, administrative or professional C1Lower middle-classSupervisory or clerical, managerial administrative or professional C2Skilled working classSkilled manual workers DWorking classSemi-and unskilled manual workers EThose at lowestState pensioners or widows, casual or lowest-grade workers

5 A L'Oreal Make-up advert on their web site. This advert advertises, A Dual Illuminator crème highlighter & Shimmer Dust. They have to have a good description on what this product does because people will be looking at this product that know about make up.

6 An advert that will get peoples attention that may be interested in food, or how food effects people. This advert gives us a image of a hamburger with the words “fast food nation”. From just looking at the advert I would personally think is has something to do with food and when you read the advert it tells you about the food and what the campaign is trying to tell citizens on how this kind of food will effect them.

7 This advert would be in a home magazine. The advert shows that you are able to improve your home to your sanders without moving out of the house. The advert has been put in the magazine of some company that may not be so big yet as they have places their phone number so you would be able to contact the company for the improvement that you want to do to your home.

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