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Hello, I am your instructor for this class. My Name is Elizabeth Crosby. Please call me Beth. Please feel free to chat informally until the seminar begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello, I am your instructor for this class. My Name is Elizabeth Crosby. Please call me Beth. Please feel free to chat informally until the seminar begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello, I am your instructor for this class. My Name is Elizabeth Crosby. Please call me Beth. Please feel free to chat informally until the seminar begins. 1

2 Please tell us where you live now, and tell us something about the place you live (town, city, state, or country) ? 2

3  Introductions  What you need to know about this course  The role of paraprofessionals  Unit One overview  Questions 3

4  Please call Technical Support at 866-522-7747 if you have any technical difficulties during the seminar or in accessing the class. Please note this number for future reference.  Technical Support: 866-522-7747 4

5  Focus  Netiquette  Respect  Asking Questions: // 5

6 Netiquette Wait to respond to upsetting messages Avoid rude language or personal attacks Beware of CAPS = SHOUTING! Keep messages brief & use spell check! Treat everyone as you want to be treated Be positive 6

7 Email: AIM: KUCrosby Office Hours are flexible, please schedule appointments – as often as you need to Phone conferences upon request *If you email me during the week I’ll return your email within 24 hours; on the weekends within 48 hours. But I usually get back to you much sooner than that. 7

8  Live seminars For full credit, attend the full hour and contribute to the discussion Attend Flex Seminar, Wed. @ 7pm ET; no other options  Seminar option 2: due at the end of the unit For full credit, respond to the questions with a 200-300-word minimum response and submit to the Dropbox. Be sure to integrate unit information. 8

9 For full credit: 1.Complete answers to all discussion questions. 2.Make sure your postings relate to the readings. Include reflections about how the unit objectives will be relevant to your “real world” experiences in the classroom. 3.Write responses that are at least 100 words (consider composing in MS Word first, then copy and paste your responses. Please use the text box rather than an attachment) 4.Make sure to further the discussion. You should also interact with at least 2 classmates per thread. For an A+, show that you go beyond and post to 3 or more classmates on three different days of the week. I suggest you make a total of four or more posts. Post 1. (Wed-Thurs.), 2. (Fri-Sun.) 3. (Mon-Tues) 5. Connect and Cite Course Readings. You must make connections to the readings through citations. 6. Check back for questions that I ask, and address them for maximum points. 7. Post on time. Late Discussion Board posts will be given partial credit. Discussion Requirements 9

10 Discussion Board Grading=30 points 28-30= A 25-27=B 22-24=C 19-21=D 18-0=F 0-15 Content: Clear connections and references to previous and/or current unit materials with career related examples, posts are on topic and contribute to the quality of the discussion and makes reference to course readings, unit materials or other relevant sources 0-10 Participation: Student answers all questions, meaningfully responds to classmates 2+ times and promotes continued discussion with responses to classmates that add value by advancing the group’s discussion 10 points =3 responses to classmates on three or more days in 100 word count range Return to address any questions I post. 0-5 Mechanics: Grammar and spelling is correct and meets minimum word requirement 10

11 1.What is your learning style? How will an understanding of your learning style help you manage your time an online educational setting? 2.Now, as you think about your future role in human services, will time management and stress management be more of a challenge to you? Will it be hard for you to leave your professional concerns and responsibilities at the end of a day’s work? Why or why not? From reading the Learning Styles Handout adopted from Collin Rose (1987) I find that I am a kinesthetic learner. I need to do it to make a connection. I use my hands when I talk and right things out in the air or on my leg when someone asks me how to spell things, I enjoy trying new things and am not afraid to try them. I love hands on challenges. Understanding this style will allow me to jump right into projects; the only thing that I must remember is to follow the directions rather than just trying to do it on my own. When there are templates, I will use them in order to stay focused and on tasks. I currently work in early childhood and it is often very stressful. I love working with one and two year olds, but when the children are crying, biting, or parents are sharing concerns, it does get stressful. I remind myself often that I am doing the best that I can and that I should not take it personally. As I said, I love the children and their parents know it, they just complain when accidents happen and their children are hurt. I am not a mom, but I sympathize as I am sad when my children are hurt too. When I complete my degree and begin a career in the field of human services, I will try to manage my stress in the same way. I will remind myself not to take things personally. As far as time management goes, my classroom has a schedule and we try to follow it as closely as possible, while still meeting the needs of the children and will continue to follow a schedule in the human services field if there is on in place. I have always been well organized so I don’t feel this will be an issue. I have always been taught that home is home and work is work and to keep them in their place. References: Rose, C. (1987). Learning Style Handout. Located in the Kaplan University Learning Activities in CS115. 11

12  Total course points: 1,000 Weekly discussions: 30 points Weekly seminars: 20 points Projects: 120 points each Quizzes: 60 points each Final project: 130 points  Refer to rubrics in the syllabus for all grades 12

13  Complete projects for Units 2, 4, and 9 Unit 2- 2 page paper on ELL models Unit 4- 2 page paper—interview * Unit 9- Final Project—4 page essay  Refer to the project instructions and rubrics  All projects need a separate Title and Reference Page  Be sure to save your projects for your portfolio! 13

14 What are your expectations? What do you hope to learn this term? EP 240 Assisting English Language Learners 14

15 COURSE OUTCOMES Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, you should be able to: 1. EP240-1: Discuss the increasing need for English Language education 2. EP240-2: Explain the cultural, social and emotional influences on student performance 3. EP240-3: Identify cross-curricular strategies that promote learning in English Language Learners 4. EP240-4: Explain language acquisition in English language and bilingual education programs 5. P240-5: Describe paraprofessional roles and strategies in the context of English language instruction General Education Outcomes: In addition, the following General Education outcomes are assessed during this course: 1. GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English 2. GEL-6.5: Use electronic libraries/databases for research purposes 15

16 Relevant Terms EL – English Learner ELL – English Language Learner ESL – English as a Second Language ELD – English Language Development LEP – Limited English Proficient FEP – Fluent English Proficient 16

17 You are a school-age child. You have just moved to a new country and have left behind your friends, many family members, and your familiar setting. Shortly after your arrival, you enter a new school. Everyone behaves differently… even the teacher. You do not understand any of the language. Imagine… 17

18 View this article. 1. to examine the roles of paraprofessionals (What types of supports do paraprofessionals provide?) 2. to find out why paraprofessionals have become needed "Parents' Frequently Asked Questions", from The PARAprofessional Resource and Research Center Return here to post a list of five different roles of paras (found under McKinley El. School) 18

19 Complexity of student population in schools; (ESE, ELL, high risk of failure) Need for instructional support (high academic standards/testing) Cost effectiveness Community connections (share linguistic cultural similarities) Individualized support Improve teacher-student ratio Legislation allows /requires it (No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 as Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 2004 ) adequately trained/qualified and supervised paras provide instructional and other supports for students. To help our students develop language, achieve academic success, and feel included within a multi-cultural community of learners. 19

20 Unit 1 Overview Read all information on course homepage Unit 1 Introduce yourself Reading (Text: Teaching ESL K-12 (Becker, 2001) ch. 1 p. 1-4, ch. 2 p. 5-8 and article: “Who are paraeductors?” Discussion (goals, challenges and roles of ELL para) Seminar (Live Wednesdays at 7:00 P.M.,ET or complete option 2. 20

21 Quote of the week: “One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.”One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child. ~Maria Montessori 21

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