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Protestant Humanity Metta and Eli. Is Protestant is one of the group that is under Christianity.

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Presentation on theme: "Protestant Humanity Metta and Eli. Is Protestant is one of the group that is under Christianity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protestant Humanity Metta and Eli

2 Is Protestant is one of the group that is under Christianity.

3 What they believe ? TRINITYThey belief in the doctrines of TRINITY The Son The Father Holy Spirit

4 History

5 Who is Martin Luther? The founder of Protestantism. He is a German monk, a priest, and also he is a professor.

6 Protestantism Forming. Protestant movement in 1517 The founder Martin Luther

7 Activity Baptism and Eucharist are the central sacraments. Their bible is old testament and new testament.

8 Protestant denominations There are some group as well in protestant Anglicans and Lutherans and Baptist Presbyterians

9 Organizational structure Episcopal Presbyterian Congregational

10 Episcopal Bishops

11 Presbyterian The local church grouped together under the government of the country

12 Congregational Independent by themselves

13 Who am I? Protestant belief that by doing baptist they are surrender as the son of God. by doing baptist they accept christ as their father they accept God as the creature and they obey all the rules and teaches of the christianity. They belief by that they are the son of God

14 Why am I here? Protestant belief that they are created for glorify God's name.

15 What is my purpose in life? To take care all the living things that God has given and to reproduce family on earth

16 What prompts my moral behavior? “they largely agree that good works cannot save a person— only God can—but those who are saved will amend their lives to reflect their faith” “there is a wide variety of beliefs within Protestantism about how good works cooperate with God's saving grace, or follow upon salvation.”

17 What is death? What happens after I die? They belief after they die, they go to a place named “hades” in there they waited God to choose them, to place them to heaven or hell.

18 What defines right and wrong? From the 10 commandments God tell’s which one is bad and good.


20 Interview Question : what is your point of view of being a protestant Answer : “I don’t choose to be a protestant, God choose me. Protestant is just a tradition, what matter is I believe in God, Jesus Christ.”

21 Even though they are different but they are united by God, Jesus Christ.


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