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Welcome to HS120. Who Am I?  Michael Haight, DC  Dr. Mike  Chiropractor in TN.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to HS120. Who Am I?  Michael Haight, DC  Dr. Mike  Chiropractor in TN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to HS120

2 Who Am I?  Michael Haight, DC  Dr. Mike  Chiropractor in TN

3 How to contact me:  Email:  AIM: prmsekprdc74  Office hours: By Appointment only

4 Course Information  You should have received your textbook  Visit the website that is listed in the front of the book  Use the cd that came with the book

5 Regarding the work you turn in for class…  Assignments need to be turned in using Microsoft Word Yes, I can accept 2007  Have you looked at the rubrics? This is how you earn your grade

6 Discussion Board expectations and requirements  You are required 3 posts per week – this is the minimum requirement  1 original posting and 2 participation posts  Original postings due by Saturday 100 words in length Need to include a reference  Participation posts on separate days of the week 50 words in length per post  Rubric in syllabus for grading

7 More discussion board info….  know that I like to ask for additional information from your posts or I may ask you to clarify something that you have said. This does not mean that you did something wrong or were incorrect, I just want you to continue to think about the material in different ways :)

8 Additional Discussion Board Info  Make sure that you ask yourself these questions when posting… Does my post make the point I want to make? How is my writing? Did I miss-spell something? Did I capitalize what I need to (names, first words of sentences)? Did I answer all parts of the question asked? Did I include personal information? If so, make sure that it is appropriate to share with the class and anyone else reading it will not feel uncomfortable. Anything that would make your fellow classmates post "I'm so sorry that happened to you" should not be posted to the board.

9 Pre and Post Quizzes  Pre-Quiz can be taken Wednesday through Saturday  40 questions  92% or higher --- do not need to complete seminar or post-quiz 92% = 37 points or higher  ALWAYS participate in discussion board  Check weekly to see if you have to do the written assignment or not

10 Seminar expectations  You have 2 choices: Attend seminar  Monday 8:00 PM Complete option 2  Due at the end of the unit  Check the word length and the number of questions each unit  Include a reference

11 Exams  Midterm and Final  You need to complete before the unit closes  Can only enter once – so please allow yourself a time to take it  Grades post AFTER unit closes

12 Written Assignments  Describing the systems of the week  500 words  Title page & Reference page  APA requirements  References 2 other than textbook No medical dictionary or encyclopedia – must be professional references

13 Project  Due in unit 9  3-5 page paper  Topics: Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System Senses Endocrine System

14 Late Work  No late work UNLESS Extenuating Circumstances  Need to provide proof of extenuating circumstances  Internet/computer problems are not considered extenuating cirmustances

15 Plagiarism  In essence, plagiarism is the theft of someone else’s ideas and work.  Whether a student copies verbatim or simply rephrases the ideas of another without properly acknowledging the source, it is still plagiarism.  In the preparation of work submitted to meet course requirements, whether a draft or a final version of a paper or project, students must take great care to distinguish their own ideas and language from information derived from other sources.  Sources include published primary and secondary materials, electronic media, and information and opinions gathered directly from other people. DON’T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 Can we use Wikipedia?  Simple answer : NO Reasons why not: Anyone can post to it Not checked for plagiarism or accuracy

17 Other information:  Email: Don’t forget to tell me:  Who you are  What class you are in Please start your subject lines in email correspondence with Course & section username: SUBJECT_OF_MESSAGE (for example, HS120-3- TAllen: Question regarding project)

18 Questions about the syllabus

19 Seminar One Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology and Organ Systems of the Body. Dr. Mike

20 Structural levels of organization  Organization is an outstanding characteristic of body structure  The body is a unit constructed of the following smaller units: Cells—the smallest structural units; organizations of various chemicals Tissues—organizations of similar cells Organs—organizations of different kinds of tissues Systems—organizations of many different kinds of organs

21 Anatomical Position  Standing erect with the feet slightly apart and arms at the sides with palms turned forward

22 Anatomical Directions  Superior—toward the head, upper, above  Inferior—toward the feet, lower, below superior inferior

23  Superior  “above” along the vertical axis of the body in anatomical position  like someone who is “superior”  Cephalad or Cranial towards the head  Inferior  “below” along the vertical axis of the body in anatomical position  like someone who feels less than or “inferior”  Caudal towards the tail

24 Practice

25 Anatomical Directions  Anterior  Towards the front of the body  Ventral “venter” = Latin for belly  Anterior and Ventral mean towards the belly or front of the body  Posterior  Towards the back of the body  Dorsal “dorsum” = Latin for back  Posterior and Dorsal mean towards the back of the body

26  1) The spine is to the heart find the indicator structure (starting point)  Heart (follows “to”, starting point)

27 Anatomical directions  Medial—toward the midline of a structure  Lateral—away from the midline or toward the side of a structure

28 Anatomical directions  Medial—toward the midline of a structure  Lateral—away from the midline or toward the side of a structure Med. Lat. Lat

29 Anatomical directions  There are special terms used especially for the limbs  Proximal toward or closest the point of attachment or trunk “close proximity”  Distal away from the point of attachment or trunk “distance” distal proximal

30 Body Surface The next terms are used to describe the position of structures relative to the body surface  Superficial towards the surface of the body more external  Deep away from the surface of the body more internal

31 Planes 1.Sagittal (R &L) 2.Midsagittal (two equals) 3.Frontal (ant. & post.) 4.Transverse (upper and lower)

32 Body cavitites  Ventral cavity Thoracic cavity  Mediastinum— midportion of thoracic cavity; heart and trachea located in mediastinum  Pleural cavities—right lung located in right pleural cavity, left lung in left pleural cavity

33 Body cavities  Ventral cavity Abdominopelvic cavity  Abdominal cavity contains stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen  Pelvic cavity contains reproductive organs, urinary bladder, and lowest part of intestine

34 Body cavities  Dorsal cavity Cranial cavity contains brain Spinal cavity contains spinal cord *****All cavities shown on page 8 of text***

35 Abdominal Quadrants Right Upper QuadrantLeft Upper Quadrant RUQLUQ Right Lower QuadrantLeft Lower Quadrant RLQLLQ

36 Abdominal Regions Right Hypochondriac Epigastric Left Hypochondriac Region RegionRegion Right Lumbar RegionUmbilical Left Lumbar Region Region Right Iliac (Inguinal)Hypogastric Left Iliac (Inguinal) Region (pubic) RegionRegion


38 Body regions  Axial region—head, neck, and torso or trunk  Appendicular region—upper and lower extremities Axial region Appendicular region

39 Homeostasis  All organs function to maintain homeostasis  Body functions are related to age; peak efficiency is during young adulthood, diminishing efficiency occurs after young adulthood

40 A question  Give me an example of what might happen to the body or a system if it is NOT in homeostasis.

41 Possible answers  Integumentary system on a hot day….  Respiratory system after running up a flight of stairs….

42 Homeostasis

43 11 Organ systems of the body  Integumentary  Skeletal  Muscular  Nervous  Endocrine  Cardiovascular  Lymphatic  Respiratory  Digestive  Urinary  Reproductive A&P IA&P II

44 Organ Systems of the Body  Integumentary system Structure—organs  Skin  Hair  Nails  Sense receptors  Sweat glands  Oil glands  ? What are the functions?

45 Organ systems  Skeletal system Structure  Bones  Joints  ? What are the functions?

46 Organ systems  Muscular system Structure  Muscles  Voluntary or striated  Involuntary or smooth  Cardiac  ? What are the functions?

47 Organ systems  Nervous system Structure  Brain  Spinal cord  Nerves  Sense organs  ?What are the functions?

48 Organ systems  Endocrine system Structure  Pituitary gland  Pineal gland  Hypothalamus  Thyroid gland  Parathyroid glands  Thymus gland  Adrenal glands  Pancreas  Ovaries (female)  Testes (male) ? What are the functions?

49 Questions? Remember to:  Complete the readings  Complete the discussion/participation requirements (THREE DAYS)  Complete the online materials  STUDY STUDY STUDY  Complete the quiz  ASK QUESTIONS when necessary!!

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