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Deuteronomy Second Go Round. Where Were We How did you get hear 0 Some of Christ most important quotations come from the Book of Deuteronomy. Matt. 4:4,

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Presentation on theme: "Deuteronomy Second Go Round. Where Were We How did you get hear 0 Some of Christ most important quotations come from the Book of Deuteronomy. Matt. 4:4,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deuteronomy Second Go Round

2 Where Were We How did you get hear 0 Some of Christ most important quotations come from the Book of Deuteronomy. Matt. 4:4, 7 and 10, 22:24. Peter3:22-23; Steven in Acts 7:37; and Paul in Romans 10:19, 12:19 and Galatians 3:10. 0 1:6, 18, 4:10-14 Deuteronomy is a repeating of the Law God gave at Horeb. 0 This repeating of the Law was on the 40 th year before they go across the Jordan to posses the land.

3 Where Were We How did you get here 0 Thought Question? 0 From what we have already seen and read what seems to be the overall message that Moses is trying to get across to the people? 0 Look at 4:9-14 0 Give Heed and be Diligent. 0 Don’t forget what you have seen. 0 Keep them in their hearts. 0 Teach them to your children

4 Where Were WE How did you get here 0 1:19-46 Moses recounts the rebellion of Israel against God. 0 1:32 What was Gods problem with Israel? 0 They did not trust him! (Explain )Why should they? 0 1:30-31 What had God done? 0 He had already: 0 God had been leading them since they left Egypt. 0 He had already lead them in battle, with out loss. 0 Gods care had been demonstrated through out their wilderness journey.

5 Deuteronomy 1-4 How Did You Get Here 0 After their lack of Trust (faith), what further sin did the first generation commit? 0 1:43 0 Rebellion and presumption. 0 What was the rebellion? 0 1:26 (40) To Leave. They did not keep the command of God. 0 What was the presumption? 0 They went into the hill country without command from God!

6 Deuteronomy 1-4 How did you get here 0 What was Gods attitude after their sin? 0 1:45 0 He did not listen to their attempt at repentance. 0 Did God Cut them off? 0 No 0 2:1,7 Who was still leading them? 0 God!

7 Deuteronomy 1-4 How did you get here 0 What command does God give regarding three of the nations they are approaching? 0 2:4-Sons of Esau (Edom) 0 2:9-Moab 0 2:19- Ammon 0 2:5,9 Do not provoke them or harass them. Why? two reasons: 0 2:4,9 and 19 One thing they are Family 0 2:5, 9 and 19 God had given them their land

8 Deuteronomy 1-4 How did you get hear 0 What nation do the Israelites war against and defeat them? 0 2:24 Sihon, an Amorite, king of Heshbon (Num.21:13,26- 31land formerly of Moab) 0 3:1 Og, king of Bashan, an Amorite, “Big guy” formally land of Moab. 0 Note: these kings were Amorites in the land of Moab so their being wiped out did not keep Moab from being a people. (Ruth etc.) 0 Gen. 15:14-21, Num. 21:26-31 God told Abram that his descendants would exact His justice on the Amorite. 0 Extra credit!! Other than idolatry and its immorality what may have completed their sin? 0 Taking the land God had given to the family of Moab.



11 A Final Thought 0 Has Gods formula for faithfulness changed? 0 No! 0 Give Heed and Diligence to his word. 0 Don’t forget what you have seen. 0 Keep them in your hearts. 0 Teach them to your children.

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