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A Grameen Foundation Product Introduction to the PPI ® Training in the Key Concepts of the PPI.

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Presentation on theme: "A Grameen Foundation Product Introduction to the PPI ® Training in the Key Concepts of the PPI."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Grameen Foundation Product Introduction to the PPI ® Training in the Key Concepts of the PPI

2 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 2 To enable the poor, especially the poorest, to create a world without poverty

3 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 3 To enable organizations with a mission to help the poor to manage their social performance with as much purpose and structure as they manage other aspects of their performance.

4 Objectives Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 4  Describe the PPI in the context of social performance management;  Define the PPI in terms of purpose, construction, and use;  Explain key steps and best practices to implement the PPI; and  Explain key uses, challenges, and benefits of the PPI.

5 SessionTime Welcome and Introductions PPI Fundamentals  Social Performance and the PPI  The PPI: A Measurement and Management Tool 10:00 – 11:15 BREAK 11:15 – 11:30 PPI Fundamentals, Continued  The PPI’s Construction PPI Implementation: Key Steps and Best Practices  PPI Implementation Cycle  PPI Standards of Use 11:30 – 01:00 The PPI and Your Organization  Uses, Challenges, and Benefits: Through the Lens of Fonkoze  Next Steps Wrap-up and Close 01:00 – 02:00 Agenda Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 5

6 [Insert logos of implementing partners, hosts, donors, etc.] Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 6 Acknowledgements

7 Self-Assessment Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 7

8 Stand up and stretch if you… Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 8  Can describe the PPI in the context of social performance management.  Define the PPI in terms of purpose, construction and use.  Have been in your current position for three years or more.  Have ever been a survey enumerator.  Have led or been part of a team launching or rolling out a new program, product or service.  Agree that it is important for an organization to have explicit social goals in its mission.  Have been to see a movie in the past week.  Have been on vacation in the past three months.

9 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 9

10 Social Performance Management and the PPI PPI FUNDAMENTALS

11 Social Performance = The effective translation of an institution’s mission into practice in line with accepted social values. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 11 Adapted from SPM Essentials Resource Handbook, SPTF, 2012.

12 Social Performance Management = The processes and tools that an organization use to translate social goals into practice. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 12 Adapted from SPM Essentials Resource Handbook, SPTF, 2012.

13 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 13

14 Client-level Data Tools: Purpose The tools help answer:  Are we reaching our target clients?  Are we meeting our target clients’ needs?  Are we changing the lives of our target clients? Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 14 Adapted from SPM Essentials Resource Handbook, SPTF, 2012.

15 Client-level Data Tools: Examples  Progress Out of Poverty Index  Poverty Assessment Tool  General Client Feedback Surveys  Means Test  Multidimensional Poverty Index  Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool  Participatory Wealth Ranking  CASHPOR Housing Index Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 15

16 The PPI Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 16

17  Afghanistan  Bangladesh  Benin  Bolivia  Brazil  Burkina Faso  Cambodia  China*  Colombia  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  Egypt  El Salvador  Ethiopia  Ghana  Guatemala  Haiti  Honduras  India  Indonesia  Jordan  Kenya  Malawi  Mali  Mexico  Morocco  Nepal  Nicaragua  Nigeria  Pakistan  Palestine  Paraguay  Peru  Philippines  Romania  Russia  Rwanda  Senegal  Sierra Leone  South Africa  Sri Lanka  Syria  Tanzania  Timor-Leste  Uganda  Vietnam  Yemen 47 Country-specific PPIs Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 17 *China has an expert-based poverty scorecard in place of a PPI.

18 What about impact? Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 18

19 The PPI: Measurement and Management Tool PPI FUNDAMENTALS Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 19

20 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 20

21 Client Targeting and Market Intelligence  Who and where are the poor?  What are the demographics of the poor? Movement over Time  Are the organization’s clients becoming less poor over time? Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 21

22 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 22 Example of Measurement

23 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 23

24 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 24 Example of Measurement

25 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 25 Example of Measurement

26 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 26 Example of Measurement Poverty Rate (%)

27 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 27 Example of Measurement Poverty Rate (%)

28  Program Evaluation  Mission Advancement  Product Development Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 28 Performance Management

29 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 29 Example of Program Evaluation

30 MISSION ADVANCEMENT Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 30 Example of Mission Advancement

31  Bylaws state that 80% of all customers must be below the $2.50 per day poverty line.  The PPI showed that the actual figure was 64%. Based on this, PT Ruma created a more effective targeting and screening process. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 31 Example of Mission Advancement

32 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 32 Example of Product Development

33  Voluntary savings products were not widely used.  PPI data helped show that a client’s poverty status does not influence that client’s ability to save as much as the products available to that client.  CARD Bank lowered minimum savings levels and increased access points for savings deposits. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 33 Example of Product Development

34 Questions Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 34 Question Session

35 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 35 Break

36 The PPI’s Construction PPI FUNDAMENTALS Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 36

37 H2OH2O Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 37 Construction of the PPI Little Change, Big Effect

38 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 38 Construction of the PPI H2O2H2O2 Little Change, Big Effect

39 Every PPI has two essential components. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 39 Construction of the PPI  Scorecard  Look-up Tables The PPI’s Composition

40 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 40 The PPI: Uganda Example

41 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 41 The PPI: Uganda Example  Sourced from Uganda’s 2009/10 National Household Survey  National household surveys typically have 200 to 1000 indicators from which to assess poverty  Also include reliable statistics on income levels

42 Logistic Regression 15 Indicators Peer Review and Field Testing 10 Indicators 100 Questions Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 42

43 Peer Review  A variety of stakeholders review the draft PPI scorecard using an electronic form.  Helps to identify and resolve issues with indicators. Field Test  To improve the accuracy of scorecard collection by thoroughly testing the PPI scorecard.  To identify where enumerators may make mistakes so that they may be addressed in training.  Focus groups and observational interviews are conducted. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 43 Testing the PPI

44 1. Refer to the PPI Scorecard for Uganda in your workbook on pages 24 and 25. 2. Break into pairs and conduct the interview. The respondent will pretend to be a client and make up answers for the survey. 3. Tally scorecard and determine poverty likelihood using the national poverty line. 4. Record your score. 5. Switch roles to conduct the interview again. 6. Average the poverty likelihoods to determine the poverty rate of the “group.” TIME: 15 minutes Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 44 Group Exercise Using the PPI Scorecard and Look-up Tables

45 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 45

46 PPI Implementation Cycle Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 46 PPI IMPLEMENTATION

47 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 47 PPI Implementation Cycle

48 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 48 PPI Implementation Cycle 1. Why do you want to use the PPI in the first place? What is your overall objective? 2. Who’s involved? Who will be interacting with the PPI? How? What are their needs if they are going to be able to use the tool effectively? 3. How will you collect the data? Who will use the survey? Why? When will you collect the data? What are the logistical and operational considerations?

49 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 49 PPI Implementation Cycle

50 PPI Standards of Use PPI Standards of Use Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 50 PPI IMPLEMENTATION

51 1. Refer to Basic Standards of Use in your workbook. 2. For each standard, indicate to which stage(s) of the PPI Implementation Cycle the standard best applies. 3. Be prepared to share your work with the group. TIME: 5 minutes Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 51 Individual Exercise PPI Implementation Cycle and Basic Standards of Use

52 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 52 PPI Certification

53 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 53

54 Uses, Challenges, and Benefits: Fonkoze Case Study THE PPI AND YOUR ORGANIZATION Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 54

55 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 55 A Video: Fonkoze’s use of the PPI

56 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 56 PPI: Uses, Challenges and Benefits Through the Lens of Fonkoze

57 1. Refer to the Fonkoze exercise in your workbook on page 36. 2. In groups of 3 to 4, discuss and answer the questions on the Worksheet. 3. Be prepared to share your work with the group Conduct interview. TIME: 10 minutes Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 57 Group Exercise Using Fonkoze’s Example

58 Next Steps THE PPI AND YOUR ORGANIZATION Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 58

59 1. In groups of 3 to 4, use the Next Steps Worksheet in your workbook on page 37 to review, discuss and jot down your thoughts and comments. 2. Be prepared to share your work with the group. TIME: 10 minutes Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 59 Group Exercise Next Steps

60 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 60

61 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 61 Reflecting on PPI Workshop What would you put on a Post - it ® as a reminder, follow - up, or to - do for poverty measurement? About the PPI?

62 Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 62 Two More Reminders * USB * Evaluati on

63 1. Find the PPI for your country 2. Download PPI documents 3. Download learning materials 4. Ask questions and share information on the discussion forum Also available: case studies, blog, instructional videos, and more. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Get started at Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 63

64 This concludes Introduction to the PPI ®. Thank You. Progress out of Poverty Index ® by Grameen Foundation 64

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