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Input Opportunity Commissioner Morath, TEA NET3 PROVIDED BY R3 LEADERSHIP SERVICES MARCH 2, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Input Opportunity Commissioner Morath, TEA NET3 PROVIDED BY R3 LEADERSHIP SERVICES MARCH 2, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Input Opportunity Commissioner Morath, TEA NET3 PROVIDED BY R3 LEADERSHIP SERVICES MARCH 2, 2016

2 TEA Survey  Input to guide TEA and Commissioner Morath  Subjects to Provide Input On  Statewide Lesson Study Project  Non-Testing Measures to use within Domain 4 Accountability  Survey  Audience  Timeframe

3 TEA Survey  Subject 1: Lesson Study  Professional Development process  Involves small group of teachers creating a single lesson focused on a single standard  Teachers research the standard and determine appropriate delivery of content  Research: how students learn, brain development, other means of providing information  Create a 1-teacher to group of students video of delivery of the lesson content

4 TEA Survey  Subject 1: Lesson Study (Continued)  Teacher group examine and refine, based on video review  Once lesson is finalized, assessment outcomes to be provided indication relationship between the standard taught and student mastery of the standard  Regional Education Service Centers serve as a resource to provide academic and technical support to teachers throughout the process  Teacher teams across state submit videos and research to be made available to all teachers statewide

5 TEA Survey  Expectation of Lesson Study Process  “A lesson for every TEKS standard, for every subject”  “The state can create a foundation that allows teachers to improve their student’s mastery and success” Commissioner Morath, TEA

6 TEA Survey  Subject 1: Lesson Study – Survey Questions  Advantages/Disadvantages/Barriers  Successful Implementation  Way to create a pilot allowing variability, but maintaining quality and utility  What resources/costs would the Lesson Study entail  Incentives and resources to attract participation  Other methods, programs, option to be used to fill this need

7 TEA Survey  Subject 2: Types of Non-testing Measures to use within Domain 4  Seeking options to capture the non-cognitive ways schools are reaching out to students  Current Postsecondary Readiness Measures  District & High School level: dual credit, AP/IB, College/Military Access – Work force certification; attendance rate; graduation plans  Elementary and Middle School/Jr. High School: attendance rate

8 TEA Survey  Subject 2: Types of Non-testing Measures to use within Domain 4  English Language Learners (ELL) Exit Data  Advantages & Disadvantages to using ELL exits within the accountability system  Overall opinion of using ELL exits

9 TEA Survey  Subject 2: Types of Non-testing Measures to use within Domain 4  School Sponsored Extracurricular/Co-curricular Clubs participation & offerings  Advantages & Disadvantages to using participation or offerings in the system  Issues to be addressed in developing methodology  LEA willing/able to collect data and submit to TEA  Overall opinion of using Extra/Co-curricular club participation

10 TEA Survey  Subject 2: Types of Non-testing Measures to use within Domain 4  Student Surveys to capture how a classroom functions to produce outcomes  Currently utilized to “gather and use high quality feedback about teaching practices and student engagement to improve learning outcomes.”

11 TEA Survey  Subject 2: Types of Non-testing Measures to use within Domain 4  Survey questions  Advantages and disadvantages/barriers of using student surveys  Who to survey and method to use  When and how often to survey  Sampling method to be used  Overall opinion of using Student Surveys in the accountability system

12 TEA Survey  Subject 2: Types of Non-testing Measures to use within Domain 4  Other Measures  Other non-testing data points to report student success  General overall opinion of the utilization of additional criteria in grades K-8 within Domain 4 of the accountability system

13 TEA Survey - Logistics  Circulation of information via email and face to face information gathering sessions  Survey located at  Audience: Superintendents, Central Office Personnel, Campus Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teachers, Teacher Organization Members  Information dissemination done by Regional Education Service Centers, 1 – 20  Final Date for Submission: March 25, 2016

14 TEA Survey - Logistics Following this NET3 Session –  Survey will be ready for access at  The recorded information from this NET3 session will be posted at  Emails with the link will go to all appropriate email groups supported by Region3

15 TEA Survey Questions

16 TEA Survey Thank You

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