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Guidelines for Proactive Disclosure Renu Vinod Research Associate Centre for Civil Society

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines for Proactive Disclosure Renu Vinod Research Associate Centre for Civil Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines for Proactive Disclosure Renu Vinod Research Associate Centre for Civil Society

2 2 Components of Proactive Disclosure Template: Publication Scheme Information Assets Register RTI Logo & Link Frequently Requested Information

3 3 A document that lays down categories of information to be disclosed by the public authority Publication Scheme

4 4 A publication scheme will include: Short description of each category Format in which information is available Cost of accessing and reproducing information Time period of updating information

5 5 Categories and Classes Categories of information: Classifications of information, whose contents have at least one or more common characteristic. It shall ideally not remain static since classes represent an ever-growing pool of information. Classes of Information: a sub-classification of categories; similar in nature but narrower in scope and more specific.

6 6 Why Publication Scheme? Ongoing commitment Template Large amount of information in public sphere Covers new information

7 7 Why Publication Scheme? possibility of access. creates requested information. assist in understanding a department and its resources. Reduces number of requests.

8 8 Nature, Form and Content of Publication Scheme Must be subject to periodic revision and scrutiny. Classes must be innovative. Departments must not define classes narrowly. A class must not restrict itself to ‘published’ documents of a certain kind.

9 9 Nature, Form and Content of Publication Scheme New publications must be added and the scheme constantly updated. The intervals at which information is to be updated must be specified separately. The charges and format of a document must be clearly specified.

10 10 Categories of information a department generally handles. People cannot ask for information if they do not know what to ask for and what they can expect to find. Publication Scheme plus Information Assets Register is equal to better understanding and access to information. Information Assets Register

11 Implement proactive disclosure of information that is frequently requested. Suo moto disclosure of frequently requested information

12 In department website and office for easy recognition RTI Logo

13 Each government department should have on its website a Right to Information link with the RTI logo. RTI link for each department website

14 Let the mobilization from RTI to DTP begin in Tripura!

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