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Click to edit Master subtitle style 6/17/11 Plan of Action with regards to the issues raised in the State of the Nation address Portfolio Committee on.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 6/17/11 Plan of Action with regards to the issues raised in the State of the Nation address Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs 13 June 2011

2 6/17/11 COGTA specific SONA themes The President’s tone in the address continued to be open and conciliatory but also programmatic with a sense of urgency. Specific to local government, the President laid out the theme: “Building a responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system”. The Local Government Turn-Around Strategy was reemphasized as the solution to the issues of “basic administrative systems, financial management and customer care”.

3 6/17/11 For alignment purposes, all the 7 outputs of the delivery agreement outcome 9 have been converted into Strategic Goals and all the sub- outputs into Strategic Objectives as set in the DCOG Annual Performance Plan 2011/14 An analysis of the SONA with specific focus on COGTA related work was done by the COGTA research unit immediately after the address (see attached word document) The State of the Nation Address was one of the key source documents used during the departmental strategic planning session in February 2011. The Annual performance plan therefore caters for all issues raised is the State of the Nation address and is therefore the Departmental Programme Of Action for the Medium Term. For alignment purposes, all the 7 outputs of the delivery agreement outcome 9 have been converted into Strategic Goals and all the sub-outputs into Strategic Objectives as set in the DCOG Annual Performance Plan 2011/14 An analysis of the SONA with specific focus on COGTA related work was done by the COGTA research unit immediately after the address (see attached word document) The State of the Nation Address was one of the key source documents used during the departmental strategic planning session in February 2011. The Annual performance plan therefore caters for all issues raised is the State of the Nation address and is therefore the Departmental Programme Of Action for the Medium Term.

4 6/17/11 Programme of Action per thematic area SONA ThemeDCOG Programme of action Poverty alleviation and Job creation ‘2011 declared a year of job creation through meaningful economic transformation and inclusive growth’ Research has indicated that we can create jobs in six priority areas. These are infrastructure development... As part of government’s job creation initiative, to create 4.5 million job opportunities in historically marginalised communities by 2014 DCOG has planned to create 63 170 job opportunities (2011/12 FY) through the Community Work Programme (CWP) there is also a plan to support the creation of 30% of job opportunities through functional cooperatives at a ward level Establish, in collaboration with District Municipalities, 30 Economic Development Advisory Councils comprising the local captains of industry, commerce and agriculture with a view of identifying economic/business opportunities of a catalytic nature (CBVs) Refer to the APP pages 54 to 60 on all planned initiatives related to Service delivery and job creation and the related medium term expenditure estimates

5 6/17/11 Programme of Action per thematic area SONA ThemeDCOG Programme of action ‘We cannot create these jobs alone. We have to work with business, labour and the community constituencies’ ‘While looking to the private sector in particular to help us create most of the jobs, government will certainly play its part.’ The department has created the Business-Adopt-A- Municipality programme to ensure that business is mobilised to participate in government initiatives. DCOG is in a process of signing MOU’s with identified business Crime and CorruptionThe President made specific reference to setting up of a Special Anti-Corruption Unit in the Department of Public Service and Administration to handle corruption-related disciplinary cases involving public servants. COGTA has developed the anti-corruption inspectorate

6 6/17/11 ThemeDCOG Programme of Action 2011/12 Service Delivery ‘Our infrastructure development programme enables us to expand access to basic services and to improve the quality of life. This includes projects for the provision of water, electricity and housing.’ By the end of this financial year the department through its coordination efforts will ensure that the number of households reached with basic services funded by the municipal Infrastructure grant is as below: water:1.4 million · sanitation: 808 070 · roads 1.1: million · community Lighting: 540 186 Refer to the APP pages 54 to 60 on all planned initiatives related to Service delivery and job creation and the related medium term expenditure estimates As set on page 54 of the Annual Performance plan the departmental work goes beyond coordination for basic services provision but talks to some of the blockages to provision of service e.g. On electricity coordination the focus is also on the building of substations and upgrading of MV lines

7 6/17/11 ThemeDCOG Programme of Action 2011/12 ‘Basic administrative systems and financial management ‘ The department has committed to ensure that through its support and coordination efforts municipal finance and administrative capability is improved. All 278 municipalities will have achieved unqualified audit opinions by the end of the 2014 see page 39 to 44 Coordination ‘Experience shows that we succeed when we work together’ The coordination role of DCoG is being expressed through joint work programmes that talk to the single window of coordination DCOG, the joint MinMec between COG, Water Affairs and Human settlement shows coordination in action The 2011/14 Annual Performance Plan is a national plan that must find expression in the Provincial APP’s and alternately in the respective IDP’s. Joint planning sessions with Provinces are beginning to shape the coordination efforts in the right direction The department has conducted an assessment and written a report on all legislation that impedes service delivery, even those receding in other Government departments outside DCOG

8 6/17/11 Issue raised PROGRESS ON ISSUES RAISED IN THE 2009 STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS The provision of basic services in line with the objectives of the MDGs is continuing but the synergy between government departments and municipalities must be strengthened The statistics of national basic service provision (i.e. water 93%, sanitation 70%, electricity 82% and refuse 69%) bear testimony to progress in this regard. As set in the DCOG Annual Performance Plan (Page 54) we intend to support increasing access to basic services as following: Water: 93% to 96% Sanitation: 70% to 88% Electricity: 82% to 87 % Refuse: 69% to 70% in 2012/13 This area of work is progressing but there are new challenges of deteriorating infrastructure that need maintenance in order to speed up provision of these services.

9 6/17/11 Issue raised PROGRESS ON ISSUES RAISED IN THE 2009 STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS Regarding infrastructure, there was no account on the progress in implementing public infrastructure as per allocation of the R846 billion for public infrastructure development last year for the medium term The President highlighted infrastructure development as a catalyst for faster service delivery provision and the improved access as indicated with respect to water, sanitation and electricity indicates progress in this regard. As set on page 54 of the Annual Performance plan the departmental work goes beyond coordination for basic services provision but talks to some of the infrastructure blockages to provision of service e.g. On electricity coordination the focus is also on the building of substations and upgrading of MV lines Work is being done jointly with National Treasury on the review of the MIG formula

10 6/17/11 Theme PROGRESS ON ISSUES RAISED IN THE 2009 STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS The development and implementation of tailor- made municipal turn around strategies, according to assessments is advancing well, however the structural challenges of skills deficits still impede speedy service delivery There are legislative proposals under consideration by the Department and Cabinet on improving the governance challenges in municipalities. The Grenn paper on cooperative governance as well as the white paper on Local Government The proposed Amendments to the Municipal Systems Act also include provisions prohibiting municipal officials from holding executive positions in political parties. Elimination of corruptionThe department has established an anti-corruption inspectorate. The Amendment Bill that amends the Municipal Systems to prohibit re-employment of municipal employees who have been dismissed on charges of fraud and corruption has been approved by parliament on 13 April 2011 and is being currently considered by the President

11 6/17/11 CONCLUSION The issues raised in the SONA have been expressed in a form of tangible deliverables with specific performance indicators in the DCOG Annual Performance plan FY 2011/12 and progress against this plan is being monitored on a monthly and quarterly basis through formal review meetings.

12 6/17/11 Local Government is everybody’s business be part of it Thank you!

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