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Channel Impulse Response And Coherence Bandwidth Estimation By:- Rohit Sharma Jay Prakash By:- Rohit Sharma Jay Prakash Under :- Prof S.N Merchant SPANN.

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Presentation on theme: "Channel Impulse Response And Coherence Bandwidth Estimation By:- Rohit Sharma Jay Prakash By:- Rohit Sharma Jay Prakash Under :- Prof S.N Merchant SPANN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Channel Impulse Response And Coherence Bandwidth Estimation By:- Rohit Sharma Jay Prakash By:- Rohit Sharma Jay Prakash Under :- Prof S.N Merchant SPANN LAB,IIT Bombay Under :- Prof S.N Merchant SPANN LAB,IIT Bombay

2 Increased Use of Wireless Devices Data-Intensive High Bandwidth Services Strain in capacity of RF Spectrum Most Communication becomes impractical above 10GHZ in Microwave Region. Why?:- Motivation

3 Multipath Effects of Channel Multiple propagation paths:  Line-of-Sight (LoS) and NLoS Invites Multipath invites:-  Scattering,  Reflection,  Diffraction.  Channel Becomes:-  Frequency dependent,  Time dependent and  Position dependent. Ultimately Coherence Bandwidth is adversely affected.

4 Flow Model

5 Apparatus

6 Our Transmitter side Flow-Design

7 Our Receiver side Flow-Design

8 Host PC(Tx) Flow-chart USRP2 Gb Ethernet Host Pc (Transmitter) GNU-RADIO UHD-DRIVER PN Sequence Vector Source Unpack_to_pack BPSK Differential gray coded Modulation Uhd_Transmitter USRP2

9 Host PC(Rx) Flow-chart File Sink(.dat) File Sink Host Pc (Receiver) Gb Ethernet I Q Data Processing I USRP2 Read Complex_to_Binary Window/Seq Windowing on Data-Stream Per PnSequence

10 Data Processing II Window/Seq Local Pn-Seq Channel Impulse Response Cross Correlated Data Cross_Corr Averaged Over Windows Average CIR Power Delay Profile Frequency Correlation Function FFT Coherence Bandwidth Estimation

11 Host PC(Rx) Flow-chart Host Pc (Receiver) GNU-RADIO UHD-DRIVER Demodulator Stream Converter Uhd_Receiver Octave Based Post-Processing Octave Based Post-Processing File Sink(.dat)

12 Requirements:- Our Automated-Sounder APPLICATION Software  Gnu-Radio 3.6.0  Python  Octave  UHD_Driver (Latest stable) Hardware  USRP2(Tx,Rx)  Two PCs  Gb Ethernet

13 Our Automated-Sounder APPLICATION

14 Impulse Response of a window

15 Power Delay of the window

16 Channel Impulse Response

17 Power Delay of the window

18 Power Delay Profile

19 Frequency Correlation Function

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