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Perl References arrays and hashes can only contain scalars (numbers and strings)‏ if we want something more complicated (like an array of arrays) we use.

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Presentation on theme: "Perl References arrays and hashes can only contain scalars (numbers and strings)‏ if we want something more complicated (like an array of arrays) we use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perl References arrays and hashes can only contain scalars (numbers and strings)‏ if we want something more complicated (like an array of arrays) we use references references are scalars as well references are like pointers in C/C++

2 Creating References from existing variables: $scalar_ref = \$scalar_var; $array_ref = \@arrary_var; $hash_ref = \%hash_var;

3 Anonymous References anonymous arrays use []: $array_ref = [ 1, 2, [ “dog”, “cat”, “mouse” ] ]; anonymous hashes use {}: $hash_ref = { “height” => 175, “weight” => 67.8 }

4 Dereferencing scalar references: $$scalar_ref array references: $array_ref->[2] hash references: $hash_ref->{“height”}

5 Regular Expressions used to match patterns in strings most characters match themselves except for: \ | ( ) [ { ^ $ + ?. to match a special character, escape it with a \ e.g.: \\ \. \$

6 RE cont'd ^ matches the beginning of the string $ matches the end of the string. matches any character

7 RE quantifiiers * zero or more occurences + one ore more occurences ? zero or one occurences {n,m} between n and m occurrences {n,} at least n occurrences {n} exactly n occurrences

8 () in RE () used to group characers where more than a single character is to be quantified value matching pattern in () is stored for later use

9 Simple CGI Program #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"};

10 Pattern Matching

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