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Real-Time Speech Pitch Shifting on an FPGA

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1 Real-Time Speech Pitch Shifting on an FPGA
Habib Estephan Scott Sawyer Dan Wanninger Dr. Kevin Buckley, Advisor

2 Project Objective To design and implement a high quality speech pitch shifter on an FPGA that allows real-time microphone input and speaker output.

3 Digital Signal Processing and FPGAs
Improved performance and flexibility over DSPs and other dedicated microprocessors More economical than custom ASICs for low-cost or low-volume applications Abstract design tools significantly simplifiy programming over conventional HDLs

4 SSB Frequency Shifting
Single sideband frequency shifting is a linear shift of the spectral components of a signal using the Hilbert Transform. It does not preserve the harmonic nature of sound, and the result is of low quality.

5 Time Domain Algorithm Synchronized Overlap-Add Method (SOLA)
Pitch estimation is required to identify individual periods Inserting/Removing periods in order to stretch/compress signal Resampling restores the original length while altering the pitch

6 Time Domain Algorithm Sample Audio: Original Up Shifted Down Shifted

7 Time Domain Algorithm

8 Frequency Domain Algorithm
Windowed FFTs taken and IFFTs offset to time shift input Phase terms adjusted to remove discontinuities Time shifted signal resampled to alter pitch Higher fidelity but increased complexity

9 Frequency Domain Algorithm
Sample Audio: Original Up Shifted Down Shifted

10 Simulink and Xilinx System Generator

11 Up Pitch Shifter

12 Achievements and Deliverables
Two high fidelity algorithms simulated in MATLAB Successful real-time FPGA implementations of the time domain approach

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