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Enemies and Allies in North Korean Art and Archives, 1948-1952 Adam Cathcart University of Panel Hashtag: #AAS242.

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Presentation on theme: "Enemies and Allies in North Korean Art and Archives, 1948-1952 Adam Cathcart University of Panel Hashtag: #AAS242."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enemies and Allies in North Korean Art and Archives, 1948-1952 Adam Cathcart University of Leeds @adamcathcart Panel Hashtag: #AAS242

2 Usually in modern times when States have been defeated in war they have preserved their structure, their identity, and the secrecy of their archives. Usually in modern times when States have been defeated in war they have preserved their structure, their identity, and the secrecy of their archives. – Winston Churchill, The Second World War, Vol. 1: The Gathering Storm (London: Cassell & Co., 1948), p. 232.

3 “Or we might put it this way: history is picture is memory is history is picture is memory, but only the picture objectively holds history still – a slice of life, a flitting moment, yes, but this happened.” - Bruce Cumings, War and Television (Verso, 1992), 54-57.

4 Captured on Koje, July 1953

5 Captured in September 1950

6 RG 242

7 “Our Lifeline”

8 “Case Closed”

9 “The Country I Saw”

10 Updated Icons in Pyongyang

11 UN Leaflets (Hoover Institute Archives)

12 Find more on politics of DPRK culture, source translations, and Sino-Korean borderlands analysis @

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