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SWBAT: Explain that despite calls for a “New South”, a society based on discrimination continued into the Gilded Age.

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Presentation on theme: "SWBAT: Explain that despite calls for a “New South”, a society based on discrimination continued into the Gilded Age."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWBAT: Explain that despite calls for a “New South”, a society based on discrimination continued into the Gilded Age

2  Read Henry Grady’s, “The New South” & complete the Historical Thinking questions that follow with your partner

3  The “New South” - new vision for Southern self-sufficiency built on modern capitalistic values  Cities, textual industry & improved railroads  By 1900, South had:  400 cotton mills employing 100,000 white workers  Southern railroads converted to the standard gauge rails used in the North & West, and was integrated into the national rail network

4  Largely Agricultural and the Poorest Region  North, to a greater extent than before the war, financed southern economy  Northern investors controlled ¾ of southern railroads & most of the steel industry  Profit shares went to northern banks & investors  Industrial workers earned ½ of national avg. as well as worked longer (mostly white workers)  Most southerners (both races) used sharecropping & farmed to get by from year to year

5  Poverty not caused by northern capitalists:  South’s late start at industrialization  Poorly educated workforce:  Very few had technological & engineering skills needed for development b/c of the failure to invest in tech. & eng. schools  Political leadership in South provided little support for education of poor whites & blacks  Limited economic opportunities with lack of educated labor force

6  Cotton  Between 1870-1900 # of acres planted 2x  Increase in cotton = decrease in prices in world markets (by more than 50%)  Many farmers lost their farms  more than half of region’s white & black farmers were tenants or sharecroppers  Shortage of credit  Tied to land by debt  still felt enslaved

7  Diversification  George Washington Carver (Scientist at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama)  Peanuts, sweet potatoes, soybeans  His work helped shift southern ag. toward diversified base  The Man Who Talks with the Flowers

8  Discrimination & The Supreme Court  Federal Laws protected blacks during Reconstruction  1870s The S.C. struck down Reconstruction Acts  Civil Rights Cases of 1883, S.C. ruled Congress cannot legislate against racial discrimination practiced by private citizens (including railroad, hotels & other businesses used by the public)

9  1896 Plessy V. Ferguson  Separate but Equal  Court ruled Louisiana law did not violate 14th Amendment's right of equal protection under the law  Marked the end of most political gains by African Americans during Reconstruction  Read & analyze the case, then complete the “Case Analysis Questions”

10  Loss of Civil Rights- resulted in wholesale dis- enfranchisement of black voters by 1900  1896: 130,334 black voters registered, but in 1904 only 1,342 (90% decline)  Obstacles to voting: Literacy tests, poll taxes, political party primaries for whites only, grandfather clauses  Discrimination took many forms:  African Americans barred from serving on juries  Lynch mobs killed over 1,400 men in the 1890s  Economic discrimination kept African Americans out of skilled trades & factory jobs

11  Ida B. Wells (Muckraker) & editor of the Memphis Free Speech campaigned against lynching & Jim Crow laws  Death threats & destruction of her printing press forced her to move North  Black leaders advocated migration  Bishop Henry Turner formed the International Migration Society in 1894 to help blacks emigrate to Africa  Many moved to Kansas & Oklahoma

12  Accommodated oppression- accepted & earned equality  1881: Booker T. Washington est. Tuskegee Institution  gradual approach; gain economic equality first (learn a trade & make money)  Hard work & self-reliance is key to equality  1900 organized the National Negro Business League  Andrew Carnegie & President Theodore Roosevelt supported  W.E.B. Du Bois argued the 14th Amendment GAVE the rights...didn’t have to earn it!  Demanded immediate & complete equality & civil rights to all Americans; founded NAACP

13  Complete the Practice Multiple Choice questions individually

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