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2 4Ws&feature=related

3  Events  Application  Team  Meetings  Competition  Expectations

4  LIFE, PERSONAL & SOCIAL S CIENCE Anatomy and Physiology Bio-Process Lab Disease Detectives Green Generation Invasive Species Anatomy and Physiology Bio-Process Lab Disease Detectives Green Generation Invasive Species

5  EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE Dynamic Planet Fossils Meteorology Reach for the Stars Road Scholar Dynamic Planet Fossils Meteorology Reach for the Stars Road Scholar

6  PHYSICAL SCIENCE & CHEMISTRY Air Trajectory Crave The Wave Food Science Crime Busters Wind Power Air Trajectory Crave The Wave Food Science Crime Busters Wind Power

7  TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Bridge Building Elastic Launched Glider Mission Possible Scrambler Bridge Building Elastic Launched Glider Mission Possible Scrambler

8  INQUIRY & NATURE OF SCIENCE Bottle Rocket Experimental Design Picture This Write It Do It Bottle Rocket Experimental Design Picture This Write It Do It

9  Need to be filled out  We really need help from parents to make this work.  Build Events need a place to build and parent help  Applications are due on November 19 th  You can turn them in outside my door if I am not here

10  Team is made up of 15 students  You will have between 3-4 events  You pick your top wants, depends on when the events run which you can be in  Each event has at least 2 students, so the work is shared  This is a team so you will be depended on to do your share of the work and be at the event

11  We will have about 3-4 team meetings  The rest of the meetings will be scheduled by you and your partner  Expect to meet with your partner at least once every two weeks. It might be more if you are in a build event  Work needs to be shared.  You can meet in my room or at the homework club  I can help set up meetings with 6 th or 8 th grade teachers

12  March 12 th 2016  We leave about 6:30 AM  Return about 5:30 PM  Full day of competitions  Bring a sack lunch and snacks  When not competing you will be in the homeroom or watching other events  Awards ceremony at 3PM

13  Share in the work  Attend meetings  Meet with your partners as scheduled  Come to the Event!  Good sportsmanship  Represent HBMS  Respect fellow students, coaches and event leaders


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