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Dramatic Structure Quiz For the story you’ve just read, recreate the following Dramatic Structure chart and provide brief answers for all of its aspects.

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Presentation on theme: "Dramatic Structure Quiz For the story you’ve just read, recreate the following Dramatic Structure chart and provide brief answers for all of its aspects."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dramatic Structure Quiz For the story you’ve just read, recreate the following Dramatic Structure chart and provide brief answers for all of its aspects.

3 Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution  Setting: Where, When, & Why  Main characters: Protagonist: Method of Char. Antagonist: Method of Char.  Basic plot:  Main conflict: Describe plot event  Char. vs. ____  External or internal  Turning point: Describe plot development  Plot development: leading toward resolution  Main conflict resolved: Describe plot development  Protagonist’s role in resolution DRAMATIC STRUCTURE CHART Plot Development/Level of Tension Time

4 Directions Recreate Dramatic Structure Chart Plot developments described in ten words or less Be sure to answer all aspects of dramatic structure as briefly as possible. Sometimes, one or two words will do. Must be neat and be your best work.


6 How to Grade Dramatic Structure

7 Exposition Setting  When = 2 points.  Where = 2points.  Why (context) = 2 points. Main Characters  Protagonist (+2), Name (+2), Method (+2). Antagonist (+2), Name (+2), Method (+2). Plot  Less than 10 words = 2 points.  More than 10 words = 1 point.

8 Rising Action Main conflict  Less than 10 words = 10 points.  More than 10 words = 5 points. Type of conflict  10 points

9 Climax Turning Point  Less than 10 words = 20 points.  More than 10 words = 10 points.

10 Falling Action Minor Plot Development  Less than 10 words = 20 points.  More than 10 words = 10 points.

11 Resolution  Less than 10 words = 20 points.  More than 10 words = 10 points. Must state how protagonist is involved or no credit earned!

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