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Can you help the alien to read his words?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you help the alien to read his words?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you help the alien to read his words?

2 ay ai a-e spraip crake trayg blaip trame thrayd brait blage splayt spraif crade grayk

3 ee ea y treep dreamer happy dreed please crunny bleeg creak trunny streesh streash sunny bleeth treach bunny

4 oo ue ew throop blue cashew scroot clue blew chook splue fewer trood Tuesday stew

5 oa ow o-e boating shadow blope scroap below scrope throach chowsh coke throat strowd poke

6 night tie cry sighting lie flying light die trying fight pie splying
igh ie y night tie cry sighting lie flying light die trying fight pie splying

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