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Plate Tectonics Topographic Maps and Land Features Ms. Clark 1.8.12.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Topographic Maps and Land Features Ms. Clark 1.8.12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics Topographic Maps and Land Features Ms. Clark 1.8.12

2 My Location Where are we? Look at the longitude and latitude coordinates below the map. Now round the first set of coordinates to a whole number and include the directions. Ex. Lat. 28° N, Long. 98°W. Record the 3 different views of the map

3 Delta A delta is a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water;

4 Video Vocabulary topography topographic map elevation contour line contour line interval satellite map relief

5 As we go through the power point, please do the following:  Match your cards.  Take notes in your science notebook.  Label your map. Map Notes topographyThe study…

6 The study of the shapes and features of the Earth’s surface. Topography

7 Shows the three dimensional shape and elevations of an area of land in two dimensions Topographic Map

8 Height above sea level Elevation

9 Line that connects places on a topographic map that are all at the same elevation (eventually a closed loop) Label the contour lines on your map. Contour line

10 The vertical difference in elevation between neighboring contour lines Label the contour line interval on your map. Contour Line Interval contour line interval

11 The difference between the highest elevation point and the lowest elevation point on a map Relief 200 300 400 Units = feet What is the relief of this map? What is the contour interval of this map?

12  Contour lines are closely spaced on steep slopes.  Contour lines are widely spaced on flat slopes. Topographic Map Rules

13 Where a contour line crosses a stream or valley, the contour line bends to form a “V” that points upstream. In the upstream direction, the successive contours represent higher elevations. Topographic Map Rules

14  Contour lines near the top of a hill form closed, circular shapes. The top of the hill is higher than the highest closed contour line. Topographic Map Rules

15  Depressions without outlets are shown by closed hatched contours. The contour lines have short lines on the inside that are pointing down slope. The bottom of the depression is lower than the lowest closed contour line. Topographic Map Rules

16 A map made of pictures of the Earth taken from a satellite orbiting the Earth. Satellite Map

17 Drawing A Mountain I need everyone to get in groups of 4 and assign a role to somebody (5minutes): Building Manager Measurement Manager Labeling Manager Cutting Manager – You have 8 minutes to construct a mountain

18 Mountain Continuation Then you need to make a sketch of the model in your notebooks. Measuring 2.5 cm, marking the “N” on each level, and the cutting with floss should take 10–15 min. Then place the slices back in their original form once you have finished tracing the slices of mountain.

19 Card Sort Vocabulary Most of these words should already be in your notebook as of now, this is merely a review to understand topography words. Make sure you have labeled your maps of the mountain model from the previous activity. Make sure you get them checked All notes should be in your notebook!

20 Let’s Discuss Compare the topographic map you have just made to the model mountain. Why are some of the traced lines closer together than others? What kind of slope gives you lines that are close together? What kind of slope gives you lines that are far apart? On your topographic map, where are the steepest slopes? Look at the V – shape on your model and map. What does it represent? Looking at your map, where would be the best place to build a trail to climb to the top of the mountain?

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