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英語發音教學報告 指導老師 : 楊明倫 姓名:李婉慈 (Winnie) 學號 :4A1C0003.

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Presentation on theme: "英語發音教學報告 指導老師 : 楊明倫 姓名:李婉慈 (Winnie) 學號 :4A1C0003."— Presentation transcript:

1 英語發音教學報告 指導老師 : 楊明倫 姓名:李婉慈 (Winnie) 學號 :4A1C0003

2 學生基本資料 電子系 ( 系統一乙 ) 英文程度中上 ( 看得懂 KK 音標 ) 發現的問題 (1) 母音的發音 (2)th

3 第一堂課 - 找問題 The Frog Prince 青蛙王子 Later that day, when the Princess was sitting at the table, something was heard coming up the marble stairs. Splish, splosh, splish splosh! The sound came nearer and nearer, and a voice cried, "Let me in, youngest daughter of the King." The Princess jumped up to see who had called her. Now when she caught sight of the frog, she turned very pale. "What does a frog want with you?" demanded the King, looking rather surprised.

4 第二堂課 - 教導文章念法 母音的發音 看到單字拼音 ( 先看音標 ) 想看到單字就會發音

5 第三堂課 - 交規則

6 回家作業

7 第四堂課 - 發音小秘訣 ai au aw ar al an am ar ee ea ei ew en em er ie in im ir oa oe ow ou or oo on om un um ur sh le tion th ge oun ar=ur=er=ir am=em al=le

8 第五堂課 - 測驗 拼音的問題 有進步

9 It was not long before someone knocked at the house-door and called: 'Open the door, dear children; your mother is here, and has brought something back with her for each of you.' But the little kids knew that it was the wolf, by the rough voice. 'We will not open the door,' cried they, 'you are not our mother. She has a soft, pleasant voice, but your voice is rough; you are the wolf!' Then the wolf went away to a shopkeeper and bought himself a great lump of chalk, ate this and made his voice soft with it. Then he came back, knocked at the door of the house, and called: 'Open the door, dear children, your mother is here and has brought something back with her for each of you

10 She was surprised to find the cottage-door standing open, and when she went into the room, she had such a strange feeling that she said to herself: 'Oh dear! how uneasy I feel today, and at other times I like being with grandmother so much.' She called out: 'Good morning,' but received no answer; so she went to the bed and drew back the curtains. There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange. 'Oh! grandmother,' she said, 'what big ears you have!' 'Oh! but, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!' 'The better to eat you with!' And scarcely had the wolf said this, than with one bound he was out of bed and swallowed up Red-Cap. When the wolf had appeased his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, fell asleep and began to snore very loud.

11 心得 進步 6 成 ~~

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