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Human Sexuality Module 39 The scientific study of sexual motivation is multidimensional - biological, psychological, social, & cultural factors must all.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Sexuality Module 39 The scientific study of sexual motivation is multidimensional - biological, psychological, social, & cultural factors must all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Sexuality Module 39 The scientific study of sexual motivation is multidimensional - biological, psychological, social, & cultural factors must all be taken into account

2 Human Sexual Response First mapped by sex research pioneers William Masters and Virginia Johnson during the 1950s & 1960s Human sexual response can be described as a cycle with four stages: –Stage 1: Excitement—beginning of sexual arousal where genitals become engorged with blood –Stage 2: Plateau—excitement peaks but breathing, heart rate & blood pressure continue to increase –Stage 3: Orgasm—male ejaculates, female vaginal contractions (increases sperm retention), pulse rate surges –Stage 4: Resolution—return to unaroused state. Refractory Period – for males – incapable of another orgasm – can last from a few minutes to days.



5 What Motivates Sexual Behavior? Necessary for the survival of the species but not of the individual Lower animals motivated by hormonal changes in the female ( estrus ) Higher species less influenced by hormones and more by learning and environmental influences

6 Hormones & Sexual Response WOMEN A woman’s fertility is regulated by monthly estrogen hormonal cycles – these hormonal changes seem to have little or no effect on a female’s sexual motivation. Testosterone – human females are more responsive to this hormone. – Low levels can decrease sexual appetite.

7 Hormones & Sexual Response MEN When human males experience lowered levels of testosterone because of illness or castration (removal of the testes), a drop in sexual interest tends to occur, although the effects vary among individuals In both men and women, sexual motivation is biologically influenced by levels of testosterone in the body Because our brain is highly developed, sex hormones have less control over our behavior than they do in other animals.

8 Evolution and Mate Preferences David Buss coordinated a large-scale survey of more than 10,000 people in 37 different cultures Men and women across all 37 cultures generally agreed that they wanted a mate who was kind and understanding, intelligent, emotionally stable, and healthy, and who had a pleasing personality Men were more likely to value youth and physical attractiveness Women valued financial security, access to material resources, high status and education, and good financial prospects Evolutionary psychology’s explanation for these gender differences is that mating behavior is adaptive to the degree that it furthers the reproductive success of transmitting one’s genes to the next generation and beyond

9 Biopsychosocial Model

10 External Motivating Factors Erotic material has been found to arouse both men & women almost equally. Habituation may occur with repeated exposures and its effects will lesson on the individual Bad Effects: Violent erotic material can lead to the viewer having a more accepting attitude towards sexual violence Over time viewing erotic material can lead to lesser satisfaction with one’s partner.

11 Internal Motivating Factors Even those with spinal cord injuries still have sexual desire 95% of men & women say they have sexual fantasies. Sleep researchers find nearly all men and 40% of women occasionally have sexual dreams that can lead to orgasm.

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