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1 CWDA/CMHDA Partnership Series January 20, 2006.

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1 1 CWDA/CMHDA Partnership Series January 20, 2006

2 2 Introduction Opportunities for partnerships exist and are operating now Adopting an Appreciative Inquiry Approach towards discovering and strengthening these partnerships is requested: When a program or service is working well what is it that works and how can that set of processes be built upon/expanded/articulated?

3 3 Language The use of language is an important issue as part of this process: Words (not just “system language”) create barriers that serve to perpetuate silo service or parallel initiative delivery. Examples: Administration – the executive officials of a government, etc., and their policies Barrier – anything that blocks or hinders

4 4 Examples (cont.) Change – 1. to make different; alter 2. to leave one train, plane etc., and board another Collaborate – 1. to work together 2. to cooperate with the enemy Consolidate – 1. to combine into one; unite 2. to make or become strong or stable – consolidation Fragment – an incomplete part Holistic – dealing with wholes or integrated systems rather than with their separation into parts Institution – a person or thing long established in a place

5 5 Examples (cont.) Integrate – 1. to make or become whole or complete 2. to remove barriers imposing segregation Lead – to show the way Parallel – extending in the same direction and at a constant distance apart, so as to never meet Reform – to make better Reformer – one who seeks to bring about political or social reform Silo – an airtight pit or tower Transcend – 1. to go beyond the limits of 2. to surpass; excel

6 6 Examples (cont.) Transform – to change the condition, character, or function Transformer – 1. one that transforms 2. a device for changing electrical energy to a different voltage Vision – the power of seeing

7 7 Methods The good news is that these barriers can be transcended with some practice relatively easily by: Defining issues concretely and without acronyms Using active listening/reflection Using the Appreciative Inquiry Approach

8 8 We have more in common than you think! Commonalities between the MHSA and Child Welfare Services Improvement Activities/AB 636: Both (MHSA/AB 636) are authored by Assembly Member Steinberg All target fundamental system restructuring, e.g., Transformation All are inclusive of WRAP/full service partnerships All are strength based conceptual approaches: Recovery/self-sufficiency Client and stakeholder involvement at policy/program design/service level

9 9 Commonalities (cont.) All focus on culturally relevant and inclusive practices All recognize increased access as a goal All have overlapping populations: Children, youth and families All have integrated workforce targets: Multi-disciplinary approaches Cross-departmental and community focus Workforce development components All involvement Evidence Based Practice as a system improvement issue All are outcome focused

10 10 Small Group Activity Using: Appreciative Inquiry Approach Concrete language Active listening and reflection

11 11 Small Group Activity (cont.) Break into cross-departmental groups on the following topics: How can MH CSOC understand and support CWS System Improvement Plans and activities? How can MH CSOC and CWS work together to improve support for Transitional Age Youth? How can the MHSA and AB 636 goals be coordinated and integrated? How can MH CSOC and CWS work together around foster care issues (e.g., placements/funding/treatment models/improving care)?

12 12 Process/Outcomes Selecting a minute taker and 2 group spokespersons, focus on your selected area and: Mutually define the “carve-out” area for discussion Define what is working now (program/service/process, etc.) Identify how this can be improved upon or expanded to scale Recommend concrete next steps that would serve to improve/implement the area of focus

13 13 Goals Discovery of approaches that will: Better protect our county’s children, youth and families Enhance understanding and mutual respect for our work Strengthen CMHDA and CWDA partnership in terms of: Policy and legislative intent Program design Service implementation

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