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DO NOW: MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 TH, 2013 1. maneuver : 244 (v.) – to steer in various directions as needed (especially of a moving vehicle) 2. amid : 246 (adj.)

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 TH, 2013 1. maneuver : 244 (v.) – to steer in various directions as needed (especially of a moving vehicle) 2. amid : 246 (adj.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 TH, 2013 1. maneuver : 244 (v.) – to steer in various directions as needed (especially of a moving vehicle) 2. amid : 246 (adj.) when someone or something is in the middle of, surrounded by, or among a situation 3. grim : 243 (adj.) – when someone looks or sounds very serious, worried, or unhappy Root: punct  “to sting” 4. compunction (n.) – regret 5. punctilious (adj.) – having attention to detail 6. pungent (adj.) – strong in smell, to the point that it feels like it stings you

2 1.It’s important to __________around the cones so that you don’t hit them during your driving test! 2.Her new outfit was _________the many dirty clothes on the floor. 3.The__________ look on her face showed me that she wasn’t having a good morning. 4.She showed no ____________during her parole hearing. 5.Even though her mother was very careful, Evelyn was not__________, so she turned her paper in late. 6.The ___________smell from the locker room swept through the halls.

3 1.It’s important to maneuver around the cones so that you don’t hit them during your driving test! 2.Her new outfit was amid the many dirty clothes on the floor. 3.The grim look on her face showed me that she wasn’t having a good morning. 4.She showed no compunction during her parole hearing. 5.Even though her mother was very careful, Evelyn was not punctilious, so she turned her paper in late. 6.The pungent smell from the locker room swept through the halls.

4 WEEK 10 CRS COU 601: Correctly use reflexive pronouns, the possessive pronouns ‘its’ and ‘yours,’ and the relative pronouns ‘who’ and ‘whom.’ REL 503: Identify clear relationships between characters, ideas, and so on in more challenging literary narratives

5 ENGLISH OBJECTIVE SWBAT define and identify reflexive pronouns.

6 REFLEXIVE Reflexive pronouns end in self (singular) or selves (plural). Reflexive pronouns show that the action in the sentence affects the person who performs the action. Complete the chart below with the appropriate reflexive pronouns. PronounReflexive Pronoun I You We He She It They

7 PRACTICE Below, write three sentences that use reflexive pronouns correctly. Your sentences should use one of this week’s vocabulary words. 1. 2. 3.

8 CHAPTER 15: GROUP READING READING OBJECTIVE: SWBAT explain the symbolism of Rahim Kahn’s image to the new Afghanistan

9 DO NOW: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 TH, 2013 Last night’s homework on desk SSR for 12 Journal entry for 8 minutes Journal entry: Choose ONE quote from what you read today. This quote should be the MOST IMPORTANT quote you read. In your entry explain why it is the most important quote you read today.

10 WEEK 10 CRS COU 601: Correctly use reflexive pronouns, the possessive pronouns ‘its’ and ‘yours,’ and the relative pronouns ‘who’ and ‘whom.’ REL 503: Identify clear relationships between characters, ideas, and so on in more challenging literary narratives

11 ENGLISH OBJECTIVE SWBAT define and identify possessive pronouns.

12 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Possessive pronouns show possession; possessive pronouns demonstrate that something belongs to the antecedent. Examples myourstheirs mineshisits yoursherswhose

13 POSSESSIVE PRONOUN: ITS What is the difference between “its” and “it’s” ? “It’s” is a contraction. Take it apart  it is Use “its” in a sentence correctly. Use “it’s” in a sentence correctly.

14 PRACTICE Below, write three sentences that use possessive pronouns correctly. Your sentences should use one of this week’s vocabulary words. 1. 2. 3.

15 Connect a vocab word with an image you feel symbolizes it. Do this for two words. Then, vividly explain your thinking process. Use and circle two semicolons in your explanation.

16 DO NOW: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 TH, 2013 Answer the following question. Make sure to include 2 reflexive pronouns and 2 possessive pronouns. Highlight or underline each. Prompt: Can someone ever escape his or her past? Use examples from the text to support your answer.

17 CHAPTER 16: CLASS READING READING OBJECTIVE: SWBAT interpret the role of Hassan’s family members in his life.

18 WEEK 10 CRS COU 601: Correctly use reflexive pronouns, the possessive pronouns ‘its’ and ‘yours,’ and the relative pronouns ‘who’ and ‘whom.’ REL 503: Identify clear relationships between characters, ideas, and so on in more challenging literary narratives

19 ENGLISH OBJECTIVE SWBAT define and identify relative pronouns.

20 CHAPTER 17: READING READING OBJECTIVE: SWBAT describe how the relationship between Rahim Khan and Amir contributes to the plot.

21 DO NOW: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 ST, 2013 Take out Vocabulary notecards Review reflexive, relative, and possessive pronouns notes.

22 QUIZ TIME Week 10 Vocab Quiz COU 601 Mastery Quiz REL 503 Mastery Quiz

23 CHAPTER 18: CLASS READING READING OBJECTIVE: Why does Amir ultimately decide to go get Sohrab?

24 CHOOSE ONE AND RESPOND IN WRITING! ” We see things not as they are, but as we are.” - H. M. Tomlinson ” When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt “ It is never too late to be what you might have been.” - George Eliot ” It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” - Howard Ruff “ Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” - Dennis P. Kimbro “ Winners lose much more often than losers. So if you keep losing but you’re still trying, keep it up! You’re a winner.” - Matthew Keith Groves

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