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PRONOUNS Tutorial. He, she, I, we, you, it, they Personal Pronouns Once you know these you know possessive and objective pronouns. Pronouns literally.

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Presentation on theme: "PRONOUNS Tutorial. He, she, I, we, you, it, they Personal Pronouns Once you know these you know possessive and objective pronouns. Pronouns literally."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRONOUNS Tutorial

2 He, she, I, we, you, it, they Personal Pronouns Once you know these you know possessive and objective pronouns. Pronouns literally take the place of a noun. John took book to the Media Center. John took book to the Media Center. John’s his

3 Objective Pronouns It is for hehim It is for sheher It is for Ime It is for weus It is for youyou It is for itit It is for theythem Take the personal pronouns and put a preposition in front of it. Object of the preposition. Objective form – get it?

4 Possessive Pronouns It belongs to he It is his It belongs to she It is her(s) It belongs to I It is my/mine It belongs to we It is our(s) It belongs to you It is your(s) It belongs to it It is its (no ') It belongs to they It is their(s) Possessive shows possession (DUH!) Take the personal pronouns and add “it belongs to” before it for the possessive form. MINE MINE MINE

5 Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive sounds like reflection. Reflexive pronouns includes self. myselfitself yourselfourselves himselfyourselves herselfthemselves

6 Interrogative Pronouns Interrogative sounds like interrogation. Interrogative pronouns are words you would use in questions. Who/WhomWhoseWhichWhat Who/Whom (were you with)Whose (house were you in) Which (car did you take)What (did you think you were doing) Don’t judge me

7 Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns are the same as interrogative pronouns BUT you switch what with that. Relative pronouns begin an adjective clause - think appositive. Ms. Bijit, who is an awesome teacher, loves writing. Ms. Bijit, whose class is totally awesome, is the best teacher ever.

8 Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative sounds like demonstrate. Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns you can use to point. ThisThatTheseThose

9 Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronouns are non-specific. If I say no one is here, I could mean no one in class, or no one in school, or no one in the city, or no one in the state, or no one in the country... -body-one-thing anyanybodyanyoneanything everyeverybodyeveryoneeverything nonobodyno onenothing somesomebodysomeonesomething allmost anothermuch bothneither eachnone eitherone fewother manyseveral moresome


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