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PACMAN : technical objectives Hélène Mainaud Durand.

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1 PACMAN : technical objectives Hélène Mainaud Durand

2 CLIC project

3 BPM Quadrupole Accelerating Structure

4 CLIC project Sub-micrometric beam size, down to a few nanometres at the IP A number of challenges to mastered, among which: Very tight pre-alignment budget of error → 10 µm over 200 m Active stabilization of quadrupoles → nanometre range

5 CLIC project: alignment strategy Mechanical pre-alignment Active pre-alignment Beam based Alignment & Beam based feedbacks One to one steering Dispersion Free Steering Minimization of AS offsets Make the beam pass through Optimize the position of BPM & quads by varying the beam energy Using wakefield monitors & girders actuators Beam on Beam off Minimization of the emittance growth ~0.2 - 0.3 mm over 200 m 14 - 17 µm over 200 m

6 CLIC project: alignment strategy Components to be aligned: Very important number of components To align within a low budget of error ~ 4000 14 µm 17 µm ~ 140 000 Strategy: BPM Quad AS 3 steps: -Fiducialisation of the components and their support -Initial alignment of the components on their support -Transfer in tunnel and alignment in tunnel

7 CLIC project: alignment strategy BPM Quad Stabilization Nanopositioning Pre-alignment adjustment Fiducialisation: BPM Quad Pre-alignment sensors support Initial alignment: Stabilization Nanopositioning Case of MB quad + BPM: Pre-alignment sensors support BPM Quad Pre-alignment sensors support Pre-alignment adjustment Stabilization Nanopositioning BPM Quad Pre-alignment sensors support Transfer in tunnel:

8 CLIC project: alignment strategy Case of MB quad + BPM:

9 Metrology Propose a combined method of fiducialisation and initial alignment for the CLIC components to gain time & accuracy Extrapolate the tools & methods developed to other projects Survey & alignment Beam instrumentation Radio Frequency Nano-positioning Magnetic measurements Prove the feasibility of the high accuracy metrology & alignment tools developed by a validation bench A study on Particle Accelerator Components Metrology & Alignment to the Nanometer scale

10 PACMAN technical objectives PACMAN validation bench

11 PACMAN structure (WP) WP6 Diss & Outreach M. Modena Supervisory Board CERN, HEXAGON METROLOGY, ETALON, ELTOS, METROLAB, DMP, SIGMAPHI, NI PISA univ., CRANFIELD, SANNIO univ., LAPP, ETHZ, IFIC, SYMME WP0 Management H. Mainaud Durand WP5 Training N. Catalan Lasheras WP4 Beam Instrumentation M. Wendt WP3 Precision mech. & stabilization M. Modena WP2 Magnetic Measurements S. Russenschuck WP1 Metrology & Alignment H. Mainaud Durand Management team

12 Project schedule

13 PACMAN validation bench

14 Subject 1.1 Non-contact high precision sensor for Leitz Infinity Coordinate Measuring Machine P. Morantz : «State of the art of very high precision measurements in metrology» J. Schneider :«Some physical aspects of tactile measurements» Characterization of the stretched wire Compatibility of the measurement head with magnetic fields Method & means to measure the stretched wire Integration, acquisition, calibration, software, etc. Measurements on the PACMAN validation bench Qualification on the Leitz CMM at CERN. Requirements Study of sensors Qualification

15 Subject 1.2 Development and validation of an absolute Frequency Scanning Interferometry FSI network M. Sulc : «Development of targets for laser interferometry» B. Hughes : «FSI developments at NPL» Upgrade of the system Preparation of the network for PACMAN Inter-comparison with µ-triangulation Measurements on the PACMAN validation bench Extrapolation to a portable solution How to detect the wire? Network configurations Design of network Qualification

16 Subject 1.3 Micro-triangulation for high accuracy short range measurements of dynamic objects H. Schwenke : «Multilateration for machine calibration and deformation analysis» S. Guillaume : «Micro-triangulation for automated contactless high-precision metrology» Upgrade of the system Adaptation to the PACMAN project Inter-comparison with FSI Measurements on the PACMAN validation bench Extrapolation to a portable solution New targets How to detect the wire Configurations Hardware Software

17 Subject 2.1 Stretched wire systems for the magnetic measurements of small aperture magnets A. Temnykh : «Theory & application of the vibrating stretched wire technique» M. Albrecht : «Overview of the activities & equipment available in the magnetic measurements group at PTB» Improvement/refinement of the wire based methods Adaptation to the PACMAN project Inter-comparison with PCB rotating coil bench Measurements on the PACMAN validation bench Comparison between classic & oscillating stretched wire methods Analysis of uncertainties Influence of background fields Determination of the position of the wire Design of a bench for PACMAN

18 Subject 2.2 PCB technology for small diameter field probes J. Di Marco : «PCB coil & stretched wire systems for high-precision quadrupole alignment» W. Bich : «A review of the state of the art, present norms in the field of measurement uncertainty estimation» Status of current bench Study of sensing coils Hardware & software improvements for a mini PCB rotating coil bench Determination of metrological improvements Inter-comparison with the stretched wire method Development of a PCB rotating coil

19 Subject 3.1 Ultra precise quadrupoles magnet assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bed towards an industrial production A. Gomez: «Challenges, experience & expectations for precise machining» M. Garlasche : «Actuation & alignment challenges of LHC collimators» Assembly of ultra precise quadrupoles Integration of an alignment test-bed Interfaces study Extrapolation to an industrial production Integration of the technical systems Design of the PACMAN validation bench Assembly & qualification State of the art Uncertainties estimation Development of a new Methodology, study of prototypes, final validation

20 Subject 3.2 Seismic sensor development & vibration characterization G. Cougoulat «Seismology: sensors, measurements, modelling & analysis» C. Guralp : «Broad band seismic instrumentation» Definition of the requirements Investigation of different technologies CLIC BDS requirements Improve/build prototype to answer CLIC BDS requirements CLIC linac requirements PACMAN requirements State of the art Definition of procedure of tests & qualification Comparison with sensors developed at LAPP Choice of a sensor for PACMAN

21 Subject 3.3 Nano-positioning of the main linac quadrupole as means of laboratory pre-alignment S. Janssens: «Design & validation of a nanopositioning system for the MB quadrupole» G. Witvoet : «Support & actuation of the segmented primary mirror of the E-ELT» State of the art Development of a long range actuator Requirements definition Measurements on the PACMAN validation bench Study & design of solutions Performance characterization Extrapolation to 4/5 DOF PACMAN nano-positioning system Implementation & qualification of solutions developed for type 1 & 4 Adaptation to the type 1 setup of the PACMAN bench Preparation, qualification

22 Subject 4.1 Alignment & resolution of a BPM operating at microwave frequencies in the nanometre regime D. Lipka: «experience on design, prototyping and testing of the cavity BPM for the European-XFEL» N. Eddy : «RF and digital signal processing of HOM and cavity BPM signals» Determination of a zero of BPM using a stretched wire State of the art Measurements on the PACMAN validation bench Evaluation of 2 methods Qualification on a bench Towards a nanometric resolution Integration in PACMAN setup

23 Subject 4.2 EM field alignment of the CLIC accelerating structure with help of WFM signals A. Mostacci: «Stretched wire measurements and impedance matching» R. Lillestol : «Wakefield monitors conception, installation and measurements in CTF3 TBM and TBTS» Measurement of the internal geometry of AS using wakefields State of the art Evaluation of 2 methods Qualification on a bench Data acquisition of structures installed in CTF3 Evaluation of solutions for the cell to cell alignment

24 Summary PACMAN: Ambitious project to improve the precision & accuracy of the pre- alignment of the CLIC components The solutions developed will be validated on individual test setups, before being integrated in the PACMAN final validation bench The tools & methods will be extrapolated to other projects This is the technical dimension of the project, but there is another dimension: a high quality training program, with the aim to: Train young researchers in topics of interest for European Industry Improve the career prospects & employability of young researchers Enhance public-private research collaboration Promote science Promote women in science Disseminate the results in the private & public sector

25 PACMAN is a team work, it could not work without: The students: Claude Sanz Vasileios Vlachakis Solomon Kamugasa Domenico Caiazza Giordana Severino Iordan Doytchinov Peter Novotny David Tshilumba Silvia Zorzetti Natalia Galindo Munoz The CERN supervisors: Ahmed Cherif Jean-Christophe Gayde Jean-Frédéric Fuchs Stefan Russenschuck Marco Buzio Michele Modena Andrea Gaddi Kurt Artoos Manfred Wendt Nuria Catalan Lasheras The academic supervisors: Paul Shore Paul Morantz Markus Rothacher Pasquale Arpaia Laurent Brunetti Bernard Caron Jo Spronck Luca Fanucci Angeles Faus Golfe The industrial partners: Jurgen Schneider, Norbert Steffens, Heinrich Schwenke, Marie-Julie Leray, Pascal Lequerre, Alicia Gomez, Teun van den Dool, Augusto Mandelli, Jacques Tinembart, Philip Keller CERN support: Seamus Hegarty, Charlyne Rabe, Karen Ernst, Gregory Cavallo, Nicolas Friedli

26 Thank you very much for your attention!

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