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8/2: Recursion About Recursion Program of the Day.

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Presentation on theme: "8/2: Recursion About Recursion Program of the Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/2: Recursion About Recursion Program of the Day

2 pt.1 //Fig. 6.10: -- A scoping example import java.awt.Container; import javax.swing.*; public class Scoping extends JApplet { JTextArea outputArea; int x = 1; //note: an instance variable public void init () { outputArea = new JTextArea(); Container c = getContentPane(); c.add ( outputArea ); }

3 pt.2 public void start () { int x = 5; //note: a local variable with the same name. outputArea.append ( "local x in start is " + x ); methodA(); //methodA has automatic local x methodB(); //methodB uses instance variable x methodA(); //methodA reinitializes automatic local x methodB(); //instance variable x retains its value outputArea.append ( "\n\nlocal x in start is " + x ); }

4 pt.3 public void methodA() { int x = 25; //initialized each time methodA is called. outputArea.append( "\n\nlocal x in methodA is " + x + " after entering methodA" ); ++x; outputArea.append( "\nlocal x in methodA is " + x + " before exiting methodA" ); }

5 pt.4 public void methodB() { outputArea.append ( "\n\ninstance variable x is " + x + " on entering methodB" ); x *= 10; outputArea.append ( "\ninstance variable x is " + x + " on exiting methodB" ); }

6 Recursion Somewhat like iteration A recursive method calls itself. EX from math: factorial: n! = n * ( n - 1 ) ! EX: finding a name in phone book –go to the middle of the phone book. –if name is before that page, go to middle of front half –if name is before that page, go to middle of front half of front half –if name is before that page, go to middle of front half of front half of front half...

7 Example: pt. 1 //Counting zeros: a recursion example import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class CountZeros { public static void main ( String args [] ) { int number, zeros; number = Integer.parseInt ( JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( "Give me an integer. I'll count the zeros for you." ) ); zeros = count0s( number ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( null, "The number " + number + " has " + zeros + " zeros in it." ); System.exit ( 0 ); }

8 Example: pt. 2 public static int count0s ( int n ) //called by the method above { if ( n == 0 ) return 1; else if ( n < 10 ) //and not zero, mind you return 0; else if ( n % 10 == 0 ) //remainder of n/10 return ( count0s ( n / 10 ) + 1 ); else //n%10 is not = to zero return ( count0s ( n / 10 ) ); }

9 Notes about Recursive Methods base case (or stopping case) –last one to be evaluated –must exist for recursion to end. Without it, the recursion is endless (and the program won’t stop.) –EX: factorial: n! = n * ( n - 1 ) ! –the base case would be 2 * 1 –factorials, by definition, stop at 1: 0! = 1, 1! = 1

10 Memory Issue: Recursive Methods Java stores all values generated along the way: –Java calculating factorial of 6 : 6! = 6 * (6 - 1 )! = 720 = 5 * ( 5 - 1 )! = 120 = 4 * ( 4 - 1 )! = 24 = 3 * ( 3 - 1 )! = 6 = 2 * ( 2 - 1 )! = 2 = 1 Java stores these values in a stack.

11 Recursive vs. Iterative Methods Any recursive method can be rewritten as an iterative method. Why use recursion, then? –recursion may mimic the problem at hand better. –iterative solutions may not be obvious.

12 Program of the day pg. 239 After you get it to work, modify the program to use an iterative approach rather than a recursive approach. Don’t forget: Quiz #4 (last one!) Tomorrow. guaranteed programs: scope & recursion.

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