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Nepalese Culture “Mama” Dillon. Demographics 26.2 million people – 101 ethnic groups (123 languages, Nepali and Maithili are most common) – Northern.

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Presentation on theme: "Nepalese Culture “Mama” Dillon. Demographics 26.2 million people – 101 ethnic groups (123 languages, Nepali and Maithili are most common) – Northern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nepalese Culture “Mama” Dillon

2 Demographics

3 26.2 million people – 101 ethnic groups (123 languages, Nepali and Maithili are most common) – Northern Himalayan – Middle Hills and Valley People – Kathmandu Valley – Terai People

4 Religion and Values

5 Secular state in 2006 Primarily: – Hinduism Bramha the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva (or Shakti) the Destroyer Texts: Bhagawat Gita and Mahabharat – AND Buddhism Five elements represented by Dhyani Buddhas Tantric tradition – spiritual expansion through rituals and ceremonies Also: Islam and Christianity

6 Customs and Tips

7 Traditional marriages Pure vs. impure Caste system Namaste Sid-ji! “Yes” and “No” Pointing to things “Bahini” and “Bhaai” Kids Guys holding hands

8 Food Right handed! Don’t eat/drink after other people Cow is the national animal of Nepal = NO BEEF Dal? Bhat? Tarkari? ACHAR!! Momos (steamed or fried dumpling) Newar cuisine “Parbate bigre mojle; Newar bigre bhojle”

9 Flag and Symbols!Symbols

10 Attire Skimpy outfits are frowned upon

11 Taboos Feet Stepping over people who are seated Looking dirty Bathing naked in public… Walking counterclockwise around temples


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