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 Todd Bland, Deputy Director Welfare-to-Work Division California Department of Social Services.

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Presentation on theme: " Todd Bland, Deputy Director Welfare-to-Work Division California Department of Social Services."— Presentation transcript:

1  Todd Bland, Deputy Director Welfare-to-Work Division California Department of Social Services

2  California Population: 38 million  Medi-Cal: 9.2 million  Covered California: 0.9 million  Welfare-to-Work Division Programs: o CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps): 4.2 million o CalWORKs: 1.3 million  About 26% of all Californians served in HHS Programs, with potentially long-term involvement

3  New name for the idea of greater collaboration across programs to better serve clients  Coordination, communication and interaction between and among programs, projects and departments.  Break down silos and collaborate more actively to better serve our common clients.  “Client Centered” - The core principal is to view, serve and treat the client/customer holistically.



6  CalFresh take-up rate is relatively low in California compared to the rest of the nation (57% vs. 79%)  Simplify the application and renewal process  Reach more clients  Treat the client holistically  Better understand program effectiveness  IT Systems and Cross Training



9  No wrong door, but… o In person – all applications can be completed all at once o Online – SAWS II Plus allows application for multiple programs at once. Further interviews may be needed. o Telephone – All programs can be applied for Signature can be an issue o CalHEERS – Only avenue for private insurance Medi-Cal can start here Other programs need to be completed through the county

10  Culture change o Vision o Governance  Breaking down barriers  Identify opportunities for integration  Encourage Data sharing o Minimize unnecessary contact with clients o Verification tools o Analytics

11  Not just CalFresh and Medi-Cal o Child care o WIC o Justice system o And more… (child support and non-custodial parents)  Data sharing  Coordinated Care  Cross Training of Eligibility Staff

12  Set a vision  Look for opportunities as they arise  Leverage existing efforts whenever possible


14  Vision  Governance o Bridge the gap between program and IT o Integration also means some inter-dependence  Business Process  Workforce Considerations  Policy and Standards o State and federal o Regulations, Laws, Practices

15  Parent/Child Engagement Demonstration Pilot o A two-generation approach to CalWORKs families in sanction or at risk of sanction o Based on Chicago Child/Parent Center model  1 st Cohort: Serving 1,000 families, 1600 children, in up to 6 counties  Parents served in and out of classroom  cure sanction  Child care continues part-time even if parents discontinue their participation

16   (916) 657-3546

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