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Talk Like TED The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds.

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Presentation on theme: "Talk Like TED The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talk Like TED The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds

2 Pre-Viewing Discussion  Think about a TED talk that you have seen. What makes these talks / speeches engaging and worth watching?  What public speaking skills do these speakers possess that makes them stand out among others?

3  Ideas are the true currency of the twenty-first century. So, in order to succeed you need to be able to sell yourself and your ideas persuasively. The ability to sell yourself and your ideas is the single greatest skill that will help you accomplish your dreams [or give a stellar speech].  Many people have a fear of public speaking or they're insecure about their ability to give a TED-worthy presentation. Talk Like TED will give you the tools to create presentations around the ideas that matter most to you, the skill to win over hearts and minds, and the confidence to deliver the talk of your life. You have ideas that were meant to be heard. Use your voice to inspire any audience and achieve your most audacious goals.

4 Three Different Categories  Emotional:  They touch my heart  Novel:  They teach me something new.  Memorable:  They present content in ways I’ll never forget.

5 Emotional  Great communicators reach your head and touch your heart. (8)  “The key part of the TED format is that we have humans connecting to humans in a direct and almost vulnerable way. You’re on stage naked, so to speak. The talks that work best are the ones where people can really sense that humanity. The emotions, dreams, imagination.” –Chris Anderson, Curator, TED (13)

6 Emotional Secret #1: Unleash the Master Within  Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent. –Larry Smith, TEDx, November 2011  What to do: Dig deep to identify your unique and meaningful connection to your presentation topic. Passion leads to mastery and your presentation is nothing without it, but keep in mind that what fires your up might not be the obvious. Aimee Mullins isn’t passionate about prosthetics; she’s passionate about unleashing human potential.  Why it works: Science shows that passion is contagious, literally. You cannot inspire others unless you are inspired yourself. You stand a much greater chance of persuading and inspiring your listeners if you express an enthusiastic, passionate, and meaningful connection to your topic.

7 Points to Remember  “If your motivation is to share your passion with your audience, it’s likely that you’ll feel less nervous about speaking in public or delivering that all important presentation in front of your boss…If your only goal is to make a sale or elevate your stature, [or complete your speech] you might fail to connect with your audience (and you’ll place a lot of pressure on yourself). If, however, your goal is more altruistic—giving your audience information to help them live better lives—you’ll make a deeper connection and feel more comfortable in your role.” (23)

8  People who [do] not communicate emotionally (little eye contact, sitting stiffly, no hand gestures) were not nearly as capable of influencing and persuading others as high charismatics.  When you’re passionate about your topic— obsessively so—the energy and enthusiasm you display will rub off on your listeners. Don’t be afraid to express yourself—your authentic self.  Effective stories, slides, and body language are important components of a persuasive presentation, yet they mean little if the speaker isn’t passionate about his or her topic. The first step to inspiring others is to make sure you’re inspired yourself.

9 Today’s Task:  On the top of a new sheet of paper, write down your speech goal that we created yesterday.  As we watch the following TED Talk, focus on two things  How the speaker incorporates passion into the talk  Consider: Eye contact, gestures, voice, content  Evaluate the speaker on your speech goal  What did they do well? (Related to your goal)  What could they improve on? (Related to your goal)  How can you incorporate what you witnessed in their speech into your own speaking toolbox?

10 Speech Reflection  Write two paragraphs:  One evaluating the speaker’s use of passion in their talk  How did you see their passion displayed?  One evaluating the speaker on your SMART goal?  What evidence did you see of your SMART goal and how can you apply this to your future speeches?

11 Learning Target: Evaluate public speaking techniques and determine their usefulness in your own speeches 1 Developing2 Capable3 Proficient4 Mastery Analyzing Communication Provides vague or clichéd observations of the communication that occurred. Lacks specific examples Applies generalizations to the communication that occurs. Explains how communication occurred Summarizes and goes into detail and gives specific examples of the communication that occurs Evaluates communication that occurs and goes beyond the obvious to arrive a unique conclusions about how to communicate effectively Vague application of techniques to personal public speaking toolbox General comparison between speech and own speaking techniques Includes reference of how this could be applied to speech Includes specific reference of application to their own speech

12 Impromptus  Using your speech goal, give an impromptu speech based on the topic you pull from the bucket.

13 TED Options: PS Related  Voice: _so_that_people_want_to_listen/transcript?language=en (10) Voice: _so_that_people_want_to_listen/transcript?language=en  Body Language: ge_shapes_who_you_are (21) Body Language: ge_shapes_who_you_are  Stage Fright: fright (8) fright

14 Emotionally Related  hetics (10) hetics  _everything_believe_me_i_m_a_model (10) _everything_believe_me_i_m_a_model

15 Impromptu Practice  Choose a topic from the impromptu bucket and give a 30 second impromptu speech, incorporating as much authentic passion into the speech as possible.  speaking-topics.html speaking-topics.html  mptu-Speech-Topics.htm mptu-Speech-Topics.htm 

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