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The the Great Patriotic War in Nevinnomyssk.. At 21.00 on January 18 scouts came close to Nevinnomyssk from the northeast, east and southeast. Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "The the Great Patriotic War in Nevinnomyssk.. At 21.00 on January 18 scouts came close to Nevinnomyssk from the northeast, east and southeast. Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 The the Great Patriotic War in Nevinnomyssk.

2 At 21.00 on January 18 scouts came close to Nevinnomyssk from the northeast, east and southeast. Groups of Nosov, Nikitin, Glushkov and Titov infiltrated the city and most of the night were gathering intelligence on the enemy. The scouts reported that on the streets a lot of vehicles, near the railway station, six self-propelled guns. In the area of ​​ the railway bridge crossings and two artillery batteries. The Germans systematically undermine the approaches to the firing points. All buildings are stone buildings around the railway station is also prepared for defense and occupied by the Germans.

3 On the west bank of the Kuban River, at the turn of Kochubeevskoe to prepared positions is a division of the 5th Airborne and 13th Armored Division of the Germans. Railway crossing prepared to explode, the approaches to the city and to the west bank of the river. Kuban mined. Diorditsa battalion from an area of ​​ the village Head ordered to attack the enemy and rapidly break through to the railway crossing, capture and seize a bridgehead on the west bank of the river Kuban.

4 The signal for the attack - volley "Katyusha" three divisions. On the night of January 19 to 20 Guards Corps under cover of artillery fire cabinet and army artillery (9th Army) went on the offensive, ready to attack. After salvo "Katyusha" soldiers attacked and captured the railway station. The first station to the group broke lieutenant Nikitin three armored personnel carriers and two self-propelled guns. The breakthrough was so rapid that the Germans were captured on their own offices. The Germans managed to set fire to two fuel tanks, but they were out!

5 THUS ENDED THE FIGHTING FOR THE LIBERATION OF NEVINNOMYSSK. In honor of this war, the city has built a lot of monuments The main - obelisk "Eternal Glory, which was founded November 6, 1967

6 Next to this obelisk 6 May 2000 was built "Memory Book" On the granite pages of this book are inscribed the names of 4003's townspeople and 83 soldiers defending the city.

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