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 Discern: “for deciding between” (A. T. Robertson)  Discern: “to separate, discriminate” (W. E. Vine)  Discern: “a distinguishing, discerning, judging”

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Presentation on theme: " Discern: “for deciding between” (A. T. Robertson)  Discern: “to separate, discriminate” (W. E. Vine)  Discern: “a distinguishing, discerning, judging”"— Presentation transcript:

1  Discern: “for deciding between” (A. T. Robertson)  Discern: “to separate, discriminate” (W. E. Vine)  Discern: “a distinguishing, discerning, judging” (Thayer) Heb. 5:14

2 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Heb. 5:14

3 Live in a Society that Can’t Discern Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Ezra 3:13 so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the sound was heard afar off.

4 Question we all face – in making decisions (do, participate, go..?) Question we all face – in making decisions (do, participate, go..?) Temptation - demands immediate answer Temptation - demands immediate answer Times a conflict between what is the wise, safe and what I want to do Times a conflict between what is the wise, safe and what I want to do Some questions hard to answer – are many specifics and ramifications Some questions hard to answer – are many specifics and ramifications

5 Difficult questions – wherein hard to be consistent Difficult questions – wherein hard to be consistent Fail to draw distinctions – are necessary Fail to draw distinctions – are necessary Hard to “force” the answer I want Hard to “force” the answer I want Hard to know when – actions is endorsing sin Hard to know when – actions is endorsing sin Watching Pornography Is Sinful (Gal. 5:19-21) Making / Producing Pornography? Selling Pornography? Go to Theater, Bookstore, etc. That sells Pornography?

6 RightGoodWiseGood WrongBadUnwiseBetter

7 I.Discernment Must Be Understood Heb. 5:14

8 I.Discernment Must Be Understood A.To Distinguish Between 1.Discern: “for deciding between” (A. T. Robertson) 2.Discern: “to separate, discriminate” (W. E. Vine) 3.Discern: “a distinguishing, discerning, judging” (Thayer)

9 I.Discernment Must Be Understood A.To Distinguish Between B.To Clearly See the Difference (Phil. 1:9-10)

10 Phil 1:9-10 9 And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, 10 that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ,

11 Phil 1:10 “ that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ,” “distinguish things that differ” (fn: KJV; ASV) “The margin here more correctly expresses the sense of the Greek word. The idea is, that he wished them to be able to distinguish between things that differed from each other; to have an intelligent apprehension of what was right and wrong-of what was good and evil.” (Barnes)

12 “Distinguish” “The word used here denotes the kind of trial to which metals are exposed in order to test their nature.” (Barnes)

13 Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it

14 Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it

15 Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it

16 Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it

17 Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Marriage Faith Sin Individual Weak Social Committing Sin Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it Bond Opinion Bad Judgment Church Unruly Spiritual Continuing in it

18 I.Discernment Must Be Understood A.To Distinguish Between B.To Clearly See the Difference (Phil. 1:9-10) C.To Have the Wisdom to Choose – Best (Col. 1:9)

19 For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; Colossians 1:9

20 Wisdom & Understanding “He will do only that which is in his spiritual interest, or what is good for him on a spiritual level. Some things even right in themselves are not best for the Christian. It does not necessarily take all wisdom and spiritual understanding to know the difference between right and wrong, or the good and the bad. But it does require such wisdom and understanding to know the better over the good, and the best over the better, and having recognized the difference to then make the best choice rather than just refuse the bad.” - Weaver

21 Sin Good / Right Decision / Action Since it is not sinful – no problem at all!

22 Sin BadBetterBest Decision / Action Though not sinful – may not be good at all!


24 “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” Charles H. Spurgeon

25 I.Discernment Must Be Understood II.Discernment Must Be Sought Heb. 5:14

26 II.Discernment Must Be Sought A.Discernment Doesn’t Come Automatically 1.Don’t have it just because you are a Christian 2.Don’t have it just because you are older 3.Don’t have it just because you are smart - educated

27 II.Discernment Must Be Sought A.Discernment Doesn’t Come Automatically B.Must Seek it & Search it Out 1.Must cry for it (Prov. 2:1-4) 2.Comes with maturity (Heb. 5:12-14) 3.Comes with growth (Phil. 1:9-10) If you are lacking in discernment It could be that you haven’t been working to have it!

28 I.Discernment Must Be Understood II.Discernment Must Be Sought III.Discernment Must Be Valued Heb. 5:14

29 III.Discernment Must Be Valued A.If Value is Not Placed Upon it – Will Not Seek it B.Without it: 1.Behavior is foolish (Prov. 15:21) 2.Cannot distinguish the basics (Jonah 4:11) 3.Young prophet couldn’t distinguish truth & error (1 Kings 13) 4.Rich fool couldn’t distinguish material & spiritual (Luke 12:16-21) 5.Martha couldn’t distinguish good & better (Luke 10:38- 42)

30 III.Discernment Must Be Valued A.If Value is Not Placed Upon it – Will Not Seek it B.Without it: C.With it: 1.Easily see –things that differ (Phil. 1:9) 2.Know difference in good and evil (Heb. 5:14) 3.See bad judgment, better and the best.

31 I.Discernment Must Be Understood II.Discernment Must Be Sought III.Discernment Must Be Valued IV.Discernment Must Be Applied Heb. 5:14

32 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith?

33 Is it in agreement with your faith? a.You believe the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Acts 27:25) b.Does it agree with Bible principles? 1.Violate a plain prohibition or command (1 John 3:4)? 2.Does it violate a principle (i.e. Matt. 7:12)? 3.Are you having trouble harmonizing it with Bible? c. Would others see some inconsistency?

34 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience?

35 Does it violate your conscience? a.Conscience is not to be your guide (Acts 23:1) b.Conscience is to be shaped and educated by word 1.Prov. 16:25; Jer. 10:23 2.May not have time to study at the moment c.Violate conscience is a sin (Rom. 14:23) 1.Can I conscientiously do this? 2.Will my conscience bother me later? 3.Even if right within self (i.e. eating meat)

36 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence?

37 Does it hamper your influence? a.We all have influence on those around us (Tit. 2:10) 1.May be our own children 2.May be fellow workers 3.May be other Christians b. Should do best – be the greatest influence (Matt. 5:13-16; 1 Tim. 4:12) c.Influence can lead others to do wrong (Matt. 18:6; Rom. 2:14) d. Even things right – encourage others to violate their conscience (Rom. 14; 1 Cor. 8)

38 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence? D.Is it against what you know you ought to do?

39 Is it against what you know you ought to do? a.Not always a matter of what is prohibited – neglecting is sinful (Jas. 4:17) b.Will this cause me to neglect some requirement? 1.As parent? 2.As husband / wife? 3.As a Christian? 4.As an employee / worker? c.Is my difficultly – simply not doing what I know I ought to do (Matt. 26:41; Rom. 7:15-ff)?

40 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence? D.Is it against what you know you ought to do? E.Will it weaken you spiritually?

41 Will it weaken you spiritually? a.Hamper your growth and progress (1 Tim. 4:15)? b.Is it in your physical or spiritual interest (Rom. 8)? c. Will it begin to breakdown resistance? 1.Psa. 1:1-3 – progression into sin 2.Heb. 2:1 – slowly drift away

42 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence? D.Is it against what you know you ought to do? E.Will it weaken you spiritually? F.What would Christ have done?

43 What would Christ have done? a.Christ left us an example (1 Pet. 2:21) b. What would Jesus do under the same circumstance? 1.Would this be consistent with his life and example? 2.If you read that he did this – would it surprise you? c.His example says there are times of great sacrifice (Phil. 2: 5-11; cf. 3:7-8) d.What about other great Bible characters (Paul, Moses, Abraham, etc.)?

44 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence? D.Is it against what you know you ought to do? E.Will it weaken you spiritually? F.What would Christ have done? G.Will you be ashamed and want only a few to know?

45 Will you be ashamed and want few to know? a.When I decide – do what I’ve decided – how will I feel afterwards? 1.“Made right decision” 2. Better spiritually 3. Ashamed to tell others what I did? b.Will you want few, if any, to know? c.If ashamed – may tell you something (1 Jno. 3:19, 22) d.Always before the eyes of God (Heb. 4:13)

46 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence? D.Is it against what you know you ought to do? E.Will it weaken you spiritually? F.What would Christ have done? G.Will you be ashamed and want only a few to know? H.Does it violate civil law?

47 Does it violate civil law? a.Must obey civil law a.Rom. 13:1-7 b.Titus 3:1-ff c.1 Pet. 2:13-17 b.Exception – when conflict with God’s law (Acts 5:29) c.Is this against federal, state or local law?

48 IV.Discernment Must Be Applied A.Is it in agreement with your faith? B.Does it violate your conscience? C.Does it hamper your influence? D.Is it against what you know you ought to do? E.Will it weaken you spiritually? F.What would Christ have done? G.Will you be ashamed and want only a few to know? H.Does it violate civil law? I.Is it poor, good or better judgment?

49 Is this poor, good or better judgment? a.Wisdom / judgment involves: 1.See good over the bad – best over the better (Col. 1:9) 2.See beyond the present (Jas. 1:5) b.Some can be right (not sinful) – and yet: 1.Show poor judgment 2.Have implications – not good

50 I.Discernment Must Be Understood II.Discernment Must Be Sought III.Discernment Must Be Valued IV.Discernment Must Be Applied Heb. 5:14

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