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Marine Mammals and Noise: a brief review of NOAA Science & Policy Sue Moore APL-UW ANCHOR APL-UW 27 February 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Mammals and Noise: a brief review of NOAA Science & Policy Sue Moore APL-UW ANCHOR APL-UW 27 February 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Mammals and Noise: a brief review of NOAA Science & Policy Sue Moore NOAA/AFSC @ APL-UW ANCHOR Workshop @ APL-UW 27 February 2006

2 Underwater Noise = Contentious Issue * Sound/Hearing is the primary modality for marine mammals (calls/listening = reproductive fitness) NOAA & FWS responsible for protection of marine mammal and human subsistence-related activities NOAA issues LOAs* and IHAs* to ‘permit’ noise, as mandated by Marine Mammal Protection Act Focus 1980s = seismic noise; 1990s = research and military; NRC reports (1994, 2000, 2003 and 2005) Tipping Points* = ATOC/NPAL (research); 2000 Bahamas strandings (military sonars)

3 NOAA Science & Policy: Parallel Universes SCIENCE (FSCs) Passive Acoustic Detection Towed Arrays Autonomous recorders Hearing Thresholds Captive Animals (Navy $$) Ambient Noise & Acoustic Budgets Workshops Proposals OOS Planning POLICY (NOAA-PR) MMPA Mandates Letter of Authorization (LOA) Incidental Harassment Auth. ( IHA) ESA Mandates Biological Opinions - Section 7 Consultations Evaluates Bona fide Scientific Research

4 Arctic Species of Interest: most Circumpolar & Subsistence Targets WHALES Bowhead Beluga (white) Narwhal SEALS Ringed, Bearded Harp, Hooded Ribbon, Spotted WALRUS POLAR BEAR

5 Frequency ranges of cetacean calls ~ hearing capability: audiograms available for few spp. Dolphins Mysticete whales ? ? ? Dave Mellinger and Sara Heimlich Oregon State Univ. & NOAA/PMEL

6 What Should ANCHOR Participants Do? Investigate the need for an authorization Letter of Authorization (LOA) Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) Specifications of Transmission will be Required Frequency & Amplitude (Source Level) Where, When (Duty Cycle) & Transmission Loss Proximity to marine mammal concentrations & to human subsistence activities (S-P-R Model) IF low noise levels, short duty cycles & minimum spatial/temporal overlap, seek Finding of No Significant Impact, via memo with NOAA/PR

7 Closing Remarks: Arctic Changing Rapidly Acoustic Navigation is one more perturbation Best to be pro-active about noise introduction

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