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Searching the Internet in 2008. The above cartoon by Peter Steiner has been reproduced from page 61 of July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker, (Vol.69 (LXIX)

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Presentation on theme: "Searching the Internet in 2008. The above cartoon by Peter Steiner has been reproduced from page 61 of July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker, (Vol.69 (LXIX)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching the Internet in 2008

2 The above cartoon by Peter Steiner has been reproduced from page 61 of July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker, (Vol.69 (LXIX) no. 20)only for academic discussion, evaluation, research and complies with the copyright law of the United States as defined and stipulated under Title 17 U. S. Code.The New Yorker,

3 Know your

4 Questions to Ask Who Wrote the Web Page? (is it a personal page, education site, someone selling something?) Is an author or publisher listed? (Ms. Hand requires an author!!)

5 Questions to Ask Where did they get their information? Do they list sources? Are there links to other sites? Is the site reliable?

6 Questions to Ask What was the purpose of the site? To persuade, sell, inform? Does the site make sense?

7 Questions to Ask When was the site last updated? Is it current? What do others say about the author, publisher or site? –You can “google” them or –You can see who links to them



10 Wikipedia To use or not? What is a wiki? Why does that make Wikipedia a bad source?

11 What should you use? Choose the best one for your purpose Google or Specialized databases?

12 The biggest and most popular

13 Ways to search more effectively Phrase searching “Union Grove High School” “Burn after Reading” “Star Wars” “to be or not to be”

14 Ways to search more effectively Use of + or – +requires -excludes +in crowd Dolphins –Miami “Martin Luther” –King

15 Use Boolean Operators AND OR NOT Poverty AND Crime Zimbabwe OR Rhodesia Mexico NOT New Mexico

16 Refine your Searches Look at search results—add new terms or subtract “bad” terms “Union Grove High School” McDonough Georgia Add more and more terms to decrease number of hits Wolverines football “Union Grove High School” McDonough Georgia

17 What should you use? Choose the best one for your purpose Google or Specialized databases?

18 Specialized Search Engines The “Invisible Web” SIRS Wilson Web Culturegrams Literary Reference Center $$$ Library Catalogs & Article Databases $$$

19 Now You Investigate! Go to the media website for your assignment: UGHS home Page > Media Center > Teacher Projects for Students > Hand

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