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BET YOU CAN’T READ THIS C: A game designed to be a sand-box / RPG A well known game for those with a creative mind Popular and favoured by many computer.

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Presentation on theme: "BET YOU CAN’T READ THIS C: A game designed to be a sand-box / RPG A well known game for those with a creative mind Popular and favoured by many computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 BET YOU CAN’T READ THIS C: A game designed to be a sand-box / RPG A well known game for those with a creative mind Popular and favoured by many computer nerds gamers of all kinds

2 Origins of Minecraft Was created by Notch with support of Mojang Originally named Rubydung Inspired by Dwarf Fortress, Grand Theft Auto IV, Dungeon Keeper and Infiminer. Note: Pigs do not fly.

3 Creatures of Minecraft Hostiles: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider (night only), Creeper, Ghast, Spider Jockey, Slime Neutral: Zombie Pigmen, Wolf, Spider (day only) Friendly: Wolf (after tamed) Passive: Cow, Chicken, Pig, Sheep, Squid

4 Monster Spawner Spawns creatures

5 How to survive a night Collect wood from trees Make a workbench Make a pick, mine some stone Make a stone pick Find some coal Make a shelter Cry for the entire night Yay, you survived. Day 2...

6 Building Materials: blocks[of any kind] and IMAGINATION! You can build literally anything on Minecraft

7 An Example of What You Build


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