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FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR TEACHER: Office Hour: Monday (14:00-16:00) and Tuesdays (14:00-15:00) Room number 2212. Website:

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Presentation on theme: "FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR TEACHER: Office Hour: Monday (14:00-16:00) and Tuesdays (14:00-15:00) Room number 2212. Website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR TEACHER: Office Hour: Monday (14:00-16:00) and Tuesdays (14:00-15:00) Room number 2212. Website: Personal email: kcasi2@gmail. com

2 ORAL ENGLISH UNIT 3 Sciences & Technology PROFESSOR: MS. K. CASIMIR WEEK4, LESSON 4 3/10/14

3 TONGUE TWISTER: S AND SH SOUNDS Should saucy sharks seek shelter soon? The sixth sick shiek‘s sixth sheep’s sick. Mary usually sells sea shell at the sea shores every Saturday She sits and shines shoes. And when she sits she shines all day. A skunk sat on a stump. Sister Susie went to sea To see the sea, you see. The sea she saw was a saucy sea

4 WARM UP The teeth, the lips the tip of the tongue. The tip of the tongue the teeth the lips

5 OBJECTIVE By the end of this session, each student will have listen, talk and discuss and read about technology, sciences, what’s new in technology, how technology is affecting our lives, terrible technology, genetically modified foods, pros and cons regarding such matters, writing summary, reading on animal cloning. Listening to interview about modified foods and r coping strategies, Grammar focus: definite and indefinite articles, “ing” clauses. Reading on the Amish people. Activities: pronunciation and drills, tongue twisters. Presentation on fashion, clothing, business meeting/etiquette for first impression. Discussion: New Technologies/sciences. Debate on Cloning technology!

6 GROUP ACTIVITIES: 2 MINS. EACH! Fashion: Give a fashion show! 3 mins. What to wear: Give advice on what to wear. Style: Talk about what is in style and what is out of style. Clothing: Share your survey report on clothing Business etiquettes: Give advice to men and women

7 VOICE AND VOICELESS SOUNDS: Follow with the handout!

8 TONGUE TWISTER: VOWELS WITH CONSONANTS I carried the married character over the barrier. The foreign authorities put Dorothy in an orange forest. Yes, she is pure, but so is Mrs. Muir. You're just unsure. Please do not lure me with your unsure cure. The leath police dissmissith us, and that sufficeth us.

9 THREE ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY: WHAT ARE THEY? Read these advances on page 18. Do exercises A and B in pair. Be ready to discuss.

10 TERRIBLE TECHNOLOGY Pair Exercises: Read about three people who had problem with technology. How would you feel? What would you have done?

11 ARTICLE ON NEW SCIENCE /TECHNOLOGY What have you learned this week about “new science or technology?” Share in your group: Each person for 1 minute!

12 VOCABULARY TechnophobeLeery of Computer crash TechnophileGrateful Animal cloning AmishReliantModified foods SpamCurious Perfectionist Microchip Robots Threatening Video surveillanceComputer virus Handheld Computer (PDA)

13 VOCABULARY CONTINUED Eschew Settled Humility Innovation Unethical Frivolous Audacious Thriller Problematic Genetic (DNA)Yikes Prudent Surpass Geek Confidential

14 VOCABULARY EXERCISES: Pair Exercise: DO Exercises A and B on pages 20 and 24. 2 mins./page

15 Individual: Do exercise A.“Genetically modified foods.” Do Exercise B What are the disadvantages? Page 10 LISTENING: THE EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY


17 DISCUSSION ON PROS AND CONS: 5 MINS. Pair Discussion: Read the news paper headlines on page 20 in group. Each person take turns to discuss your views about the headlines. 1 minutes each person

18 LISTENING: I CAN’T COPE WITH IT! Listen to a comedian talking about difficulties he faced when dealing with technology: Do Exercise A and B. Page 22 CD # 8

19 DISCUSSION: TECHNOPHILE VS. TECHNOPHOBE Group Discussion: Complete the survey then share your answer in your group: Are you a technophile or technophobe? Then discuss your answers. Page 24

20 GROUP ACTIVITIES 1.Game: New invention 2030 2.Game: Let’s talk exercise. 3.Living off Grid 4.Do you have tech know how/ 5.Cool tools: podcasting 101 6.Cell phone etiquette/cell phone helpline 7.Be sure to meet outside of class for 1 hour per week with your group to speak and do outside of class assignment.

21 ACTIVITY: NEW INVENTION 2030 Group: Follow the instruction in your hand out. You have 7-8 minutes to discuss.

22 DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES What is a definite article? What is an indefinite article? Individual: Exercise B and C. page 19

23 GRAMMAR: THE “ING” CLAUSES 4 ways to use the “ing” clauses: Follow up on page 23. Individually: Do exercise B and C

24 DEBATE: ANIMAL OR HUMAN CLONING SHOULD BE ALLOWED IN CHINA: PROS AND CONS Read the article on page 21 on “Animal Cloning” in your group. Group 1-3: is for animal or Human cloning. Group 3-6: is against Human or animal cloning. Be ready to speak and defend yourself!

25 READING: THE AMISH Who are the Amish people? Scan, read quietly, then verbally. Do exercises B & C. Page 25

26 LET'S TALK Group activity. Role the dice and speak where you land. Speak in complete sentences.

27 HOMEWORK: DUE 3/17-21/14 Read the writing summaries exercise on page 6, Do exercise B. Do the communication review for Unit 1-3. We will not cover this in class. Quiz next week. Download the questions and be ready to speak on any of the topic listed on the form. Do the self-study CD for unit 4 as well. Check the website for PPT and Forms at: Optional: English Corner Friday at 6 pm – 9:30 pm Listen to or watch English

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