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HPRC & ACSM’s High Intensity Training Conference and Performance Optimization Workshop Sponsored by the Human Performance Resource Center September 13-14,

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Presentation on theme: "HPRC & ACSM’s High Intensity Training Conference and Performance Optimization Workshop Sponsored by the Human Performance Resource Center September 13-14,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HPRC & ACSM’s High Intensity Training Conference and Performance Optimization Workshop Sponsored by the Human Performance Resource Center September 13-14, 2010 Uniformed Services University for the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD

2 Guidelines Development Walter R. Thompson, Ph.D., FACSM First Step –Consensus document –Widespread distribution –Not everyone will agree, but consensus documents rarely do –Prepare for wider distribution

3 Guidelines Development [continued] Second Step –Identify review teams –Not endorsement seeking, only different insights –Review teams work in isolation –Consensus document returned to primary writing group

4 Guidelines Development [continued] Third Step –Core team serves as a review panel –Start to seek professional organizations’ endorsement –Follow up with review teams when necessary

5 Guidelines Development [continued] Fourth Step –Incorporate changes into the document –Send to core team for final approval –Core team may question review panel –Final document prepared for wide distribution

6 Guidelines Development [continued] Fifth Step –Seek endorsement from like-minded organizations in the industry and military –May time some time because each organization has its own policy for endorsement –Step may be omitted if ACSM and DoD were the only organizations

7 Guidelines Development [continued] Final Step –Publication of the guidelines in a suitable format –To be determined by the core group

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