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Environmental Innovations Water Pollution Control Specialists.

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1 Environmental Innovations Water Pollution Control Specialists

2 Environmental Innovations (EIL) - Background Company was established in 2009 Founders had between them 60 years experience in engineering innovative solutions for the water, environmental, rail and power sectors EIL’s focus was on the environmental sector with regard to spill, pollution and flood management Product focus includes Containment Valves (ASOV’s, ROSOV’s) Flood alarms, Blocked Sewer Detection, Flow Monitoring and CSO Monitoring, Interceptor and attenuation tanks, as well as interceptor alarming and monitoring We have a design and production facility in Hertfordshire, meaning we can react to bespoke projects The facility is agile enough to develop new solutions for projects where a one-size-fits all approach will not work A cross-section of our Customers include; Travel for London (TfL), Metroline, Volkerfitzpatrick, Heathrow Airport, DP World London Gateway, DHL, Tescos, Accolade Wines

3 Flapstopper Valve - Background - The Flapstopper valve has come about as a result of product development - Initially, the ‘Drainstopper’ and ‘Telestopper’ offered drain closure solutions through the means of a bladder - This product was developed alongside the EA and Fire Brigade - Bladders are a high maintenance product, and become therefore high cost to the client - Further requirements meant that natural progression consequentially gave the Flapstopper (regulation has both progressed and changed ultimately creating the demand for a more industrial and hardy solution) - The Flapstopper came to the market in 2010, and now has circa 150 systems currently in operation

4 Flapstopper Valve - Constructed from 304 stainless steel - Gasket material to suit the sites needs - Over-toggle Mechanism - Dual Acting Cylinder to accommodate the above - Compressor in control panel, not cylinder of air - Fault functions are fully reportable - Volt-free termination means that any BMS or SCADA system can be linked to - Battery back-up for use when mains power may fail - Fully testable (could be daily)

5 Flapstopper Valve - Designed to act as ASOV, or ROSOV as per EA and HSE guidelines when secondary or tertiary containment is necessary - Designed to meet BATNEEC, where other products do not. (The Flapstopper can be fully retro-fitted through standard manhole entrances should the correct solution allow for this) - Designed to meet EA PPG3, 7, 18, and assist 21 and 22 - Designed to assist with discharge permits - Designed to coincide with DEFRA IPPC where applicable - Designed to address elements of ISO14001 where applicable - Designed to meet HSE regulations including COMAH and standards regarding the storage of fuel (In wake of the Buncefield incident)

6 Control Panel Taking a look inside the control panels to see the standards, and variations which can be achieved. Main PCB - Mains power input - 12V Solar Panel input - Numerous close and open inputs - Numerous output terminals - Watchdog LED - LED Notification - Pressure Switch Red Xenon Beacon/Strobe External Aerial connector Solenoids Wireless Upgrade 12V Battery Connectors Compressor Push Button / Key Switch Activation IP66 Enclosure Colour Coded Air Hose

7 Previous Projects Wine Bottling Plant - Bristol Problem The bottling plant had experienced numerous spills causing discharges outside of their pH limits. This was directly to a brook to the South and lake to the West Although an existing probe detected a spill, no mitigating factors were used Solution Two large valves on SW outfall, automated via pH probe. Wireless reporting to 24hr manned security lodge. Battery backup for valve, meaning a failsafe should mains power fail, therefore meaning the pH would fail. Cages around valves in case public access. Cause Regular fines avoided. Local wildlife areas left to recover naturally. PR to local community shows responsiveness to environment

8 Problem Addressing potential Firewater issues. Numerous outfalls from site, and particularly old. Some locations date from the Victorian era. A penstock valve on site had been found to be rusted open Solution 7 varying size valves to be retro-fitted. Automation via the sites fire-alarm panel. Should the alarm sound for a prolonged period (not drill) wireless message will close all valves. Cause Suitable and efficient EMS with no eventuality of danger to human life. All systems can be tested within a reasonable time frame with minimal staff. Previous Projects Paint Company - Bolton

9 Johnson Controls Proposal The focus is on SW1, is the last chamber on site to connect differing neighbourhoods of drainage networks. These include, the car park to the front of the site, all roof surface water from the main building, and then the yard to the rear. Three Flapstopper Valves will isolate all three areas when activated, but can then be released individually should this be required. In addition, the utilisation of interceptor alarms means that the automated closure of a valve on a high oil alarm, mitigates the smaller spill and hazard risk to the local environment. This can not be achieved via one valve on the outflow. Wireless activation will be confirmed via a positive closure message to an independent unit than the transmitter. Local activation will also be available. Wireless Activation Point Interceptor 1 SW1 3 x Flapstopper Interceptor 2

10 Transport for London Edgware Bus Depot This site had experienced a number of pollution incidents into the local brook and pond. As such, interceptor alarms were required to officially monitor their tanks. In addition, having ASOV’s and ROSOV’s to ensure no pollution was leaked. The site had been having emergency services scheduled for the interceptors at a phenomenal cost to the business. The interceptor alarms have meant that the interceptors are now serviced individually, and only when the alarms suggest this should be carried out. The pollution containment devices have added their secondary containment which was lacking considering the amount of fuels and oils stored on site. Being able to activated these remotely has ensured that no incidents will happen again. SW10 1 x Flapstopper Interceptor 1 SW1 3 x Flapstopper Interceptor 2 Interceptor 3 Wireless Activation Point

11 Transport for London Edgware Bus Depot Year 1 - Without interceptor alarm Total JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec £560 £660£560 £660£560£6,920 Year 2 - With interceptor alarm JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec £0 £560£0 £560£0 £560£1,680 *Service Costs per InterceptorSaving Per Interceptor£5,240 Savign for Entire Site£15,720

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