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 MSC’s program aims to promote the experience of playing soccer in a fun and enjoyable environment for its players and their families. MSC’s Program.

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2  MSC’s program aims to promote the experience of playing soccer in a fun and enjoyable environment for its players and their families. MSC’s Program strives to develop a player’s passion for soccer, while they learn how to play the game.  Fundamental technical skills (ball mastery) are stressed at younger age groups. As players mature and progress, decision making and tactics are introduced. Throughout the entire process MSC’s Program strives to emphasize the importance of being part of a team and a well rounded individual.

3 Aim:  What do you want your players/team to achieve from the practice?  What are your Objectives? Sections:  Warm Up  Topic  Progression  Conditioned Game  Cool Down & Debrief

4  Dribbling and Ball Familiarity (Fun Games)  Dribbling – Feints and disguises  Dribbling – Feints and disguises Progressed  Recap Week  Passing (Fun Games)  Passing and Receiving  Passing and Receiving Progressed  Recap Week  Shooting (Ball Striking)  Shooting and Finishing  Turns  Fun Games and Small Sided Games

5 Friday Night Coaching Clinics:  5pm-7pm Every Friday during the fall @ Merritt  Observe a Trainer  Participate  Receive Session Plans  Clinics Structured to Benefit Coaches Needs

6 Friday Night Sessions with a 24-7 Trainer:  4pm-5.30pm & 5.30pm-7pm Every Friday during the fall @ Merritt  Sign Up Sheet  Session Plan Handout  Session for Players, but Support and Interaction for Coaches

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