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Trapped by the Extremes: Europe in the 1930s History 104 / April 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Trapped by the Extremes: Europe in the 1930s History 104 / April 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trapped by the Extremes: Europe in the 1930s History 104 / April 12, 2013

2 Sir Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists

3 “Fellow travellers”: Cambridge & Oxford students (these three later became spies for the Soviet Union)

4 Anti-government riots in Paris, February 1934 (far-right movements attack the parliament & democracy in general)

5 Leon Blum (socialist, on left) and Maurice Thorez (communist, center)

6 Renault workers on strike, 1936

7 The “cult of personality” surrounding Stalin “Under the leadership of the Great Stalin – forward to communism!”

8 Stalin’s henchman purges “Old Bolsheviks” and the leadership of the Red Army

9 The Gulag: a network of forced labor camps in the USSR

10 General Francisco Franco (1892-1975)

11 Mussolini promises Italian support for Franco; Hitler sends the “Legion Condor”

12 Guernica, a Spanish town leveled by German bombers


14 Picasso and his Guernica painting

15 Soviet assistance to the Spanish Republic

16 Exiled German communists fight alongside the Spanish Republicans (other volunteers: the “Lincoln Brigade” from the U.S.)

17 Franco defeats the Republic, 1936-39

18 The Anschluss: Germany’s army marches into Austria, March 1938

19 Jubilant crowds greet Hitler in Vienna, Austria

20 Anti-Semitic outbursts in Vienna: Jews forced to clean streets by hand

21 Hitler’s next target: the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia

22 When Hitler threatens war, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) comes to visit

23 The Munich Conference: Britain, France, Italy, and Germany

24 Chamberlain: “Peace in our time”

25 The Sudetenland, Oct. 1938: Troops greeted fanatically – Jews and socialists rounded up

26 The “Night of the Broken Glass,” Nov. 9, 1938

27 Across Germany, synagogues burnt to the ground

28 March 1939: German soldiers seize Prague and the remainder of Bohemia

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