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Zabriskie Quartzite, Eagle Mountain, California In well-cemented, very pure quartz arenites like this, planar lamination can be difficult to detect. Here.

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Presentation on theme: "Zabriskie Quartzite, Eagle Mountain, California In well-cemented, very pure quartz arenites like this, planar lamination can be difficult to detect. Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zabriskie Quartzite, Eagle Mountain, California In well-cemented, very pure quartz arenites like this, planar lamination can be difficult to detect. Here it is probably the product of upper-regime plane-bed traction transport.

2 Blackleaf Fm (Cretaceous), Ulm Pishkun, near Great Falls, Montana The substantial thickness of this planar-laminated sandstone bed suggests protracted plane-bed transport as the bed slowly aggrades.

3 Blackleaf Fm (Cretaceous), Ulm Pishkun, near Great Falls, Montana Bill Arnott calls this “gently undulating planar lamination”.

4 Bird Spring Fm (Permian), southern Bird Spring Range, Nevada nA alternation of cherty and noncherty laminae in a poorly cemented quartz arenite.

5 Noonday Dolostone, southern Nopah range Alternating laminae of dolostone and chert.

6 Nauset Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Upper-foreshore beach lamination. The darker layers are enriched in heavy-mineral grains, as part of a beach placer.

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