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MORPHOLOGY & LEXICOLOGY. MORPHOLOGY RE-CAP 1.Builders 2.Cardigan 3.Cars 4.Asparagus 5.Metalanguage 6.Uncooked 7.Melbourne 1.Builders = 3 2.Cardigan =

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Presentation on theme: "MORPHOLOGY & LEXICOLOGY. MORPHOLOGY RE-CAP 1.Builders 2.Cardigan 3.Cars 4.Asparagus 5.Metalanguage 6.Uncooked 7.Melbourne 1.Builders = 3 2.Cardigan ="— Presentation transcript:


2 MORPHOLOGY RE-CAP 1.Builders 2.Cardigan 3.Cars 4.Asparagus 5.Metalanguage 6.Uncooked 7.Melbourne 1.Builders = 3 2.Cardigan = 1 3.Cars = 2 4.Asparagus = 1 5.Metalanguage= 2 6.Uncooked = 3 7.Melbourne = 1 A. How many morphemes are in the following words? B. Identify the affixes (prefixes and suffixes) of the above words

3 HOW ABOUT THIS ONE??? Antidisestablishmentarianism Yes, it’s really a word (Noun) the doctrine or political position that opposes the withdrawal of state recognition of an established church; - used especially concerning the Anglican Church in England. Opposed to disestablishmentarianism. How many morphemes? What is the root word? How many prefixes? Suffixes? Anti dis establish ment arian ism = 6 morphemes (2 prefixes, one root word establish and 3 suffixes)

4 UNDERLINE THE AFFIXES IN THESE WORDS 1.Compassion 2.Dawdled 3.Prescription 4.Disorganised 5.Decompose 6.Stylish 7.Bicycle 8.Cars 1.Compassion 2.Dawdled 3.Prescription 4.Disorganised 5.Decompose 6.Stylish 7.Bicycle 8.Cars Read the Inflectional/derivational morphemes handout and identify whether these affixes are inflectional or derivational

5 ACTIVITIES 1.Rewrite the passage, filling in the missing morphemes (handout) 2.Work with a partner to create as many unique words as you can by combining these morphemes. You may select TWO additional root words to work with.

6 LEXICOLOGY Read ‘lexicology’ paragraph p27 Macmillan text Words, or lexemes, are grouped into classes or categories that you’ve probably heard of before – such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and so on. These categories are known as parts of speech or word classes.

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