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Welcome to Physical Science Mrs. Bordelon Room B-112.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Physical Science Mrs. Bordelon Room B-112."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Physical Science Mrs. Bordelon Room B-112

2 CONTACT INFORMATION Mrs. Bordelon kbordelon/ (985)764-9946 between12:45pm- 2:20pm

3 CLASS PROCEDURES All 9 th grade teachers have created a trifold with information specific to his/her class. All important school rules and expectations, class procedures, and contact information is outlined on the trifolds. The students received a trifold on the 1 st day, but I also have copies available for you to take.

4 RULES and consequences RULESCONSEQUENCES 1.Respect everyone in the classroom. 2.Follow directions the first time they are given. 3.Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. 4.Bring all books and materials to class daily. 1 st offense: Non-confrontational Warning 2 nd offense: Infraction Slip 3 rd offense: Lunch Detention 4 th offense: Office Referral Severe Clause: Immediate removal from class with Office Referral

5 Class Supplies  Binder with loose leaf  Pens/pencils (Colored pens or highlighters are great!)  Calculator  Textbook left at home

6 QUARTERLY OVERVIEW Q1: Jan 4-Feb 3 Lab Safety Scientific Method, Measurements (SI), Density Phases of Matter, Gas Laws Q2: Feb 4-Mar 9 Physical/Chemical Properties and changes Changes in matter Mixtures, Elements, and Compounds Atoms, Period Table Acids and bases, pH scale MIDTERM CORE EXAM (30% of S1) March 10-11 Q3: Mar 14- April 20 Speed, velocity, acceleration Friction, forces, Newton’s 3 laws Energy(types and transfer) Work, power, machines Q4: April 21- May 17 Electricity Waves Behavior and Light Radioactivity, nuclear fission vs fusion FINAL CORE EXAM (30% of S2) May 20-23

7 GRADING POLICY FORMATIVE—30%SUMMATIVE—70% Quizzes class work Bellringers (every 2 wks) Science lab reports informal writing assignments Closure- Exit Slips, TOTD Tests (cumulative) Exams (midterm and final) Projects

8 Science Notebooks  Here are 3 great reasons for using science notebooks:  Left brain and right brain  Writing and reflection  Shows growth in understanding ews/story.aspx?id=47679

9 Absence policy  Check website  Check “Absent” folder upon returning  Copy missed bellringer from a classmate  3 days to make up missed assignments  Students must inform me of a day they will stay in TLC for make-up tests

10 The learning center (TLC) TLC offers free tutoring for all students and subject areas!  Open Tuesday-Thursday from 2:30pm-4:30pm with bus service  You do not need teacher approval to attend TLC.  All normal school rules and policies apply during TLC hours. If a student continuously breaks TLC policies, he/she will not be allowed to return.  Any makeup assignments (tests) for Physical Science will be assigned to TLC. If you do not attend, you will receive a zero on the assignment!

11 QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? Thank you for coming!

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