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3.2 Cell Structures CK12 online textbook which can be downloaded from my class webpage.

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2 3.2 Cell Structures CK12 online textbook which can be downloaded from my class webpage.

3 Pick up a white board and share among yourself and your table partner. In this True/False Activity; you and your partner will discuss the question and share your answer with the class. Be prepared to justify your answer. You are allowed to search answers. You will be limited to 20 seconds per question.

4 The water-hating hydrophobic tails of the phospholipid bilayer face the outside of the cell membrane. FALSE – THE TAILS FACE TOWARD EACH OTHER INSIDE OF THE BI-LAYER

5 The cytoplasm essentially acts as a “skeleton” inside the cell. FALSE - CYTOSKELETON

6 Plant cells have special structures that are not found in animal cells, including a cell wall, a large central vacuole, and plastids. TRUE

7 Centrioles help organize chromosomes before cell division. TRUE

8 Ribosomes can be found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. TRUE

9 ATP is made in the mitochondria. TRUE

10 Many of the biochemical reactions of the cell occur in the cytoplasm. TRUE

11 Animal cells have chloroplasts, organelles that capture light energy from the sun and use it to make food. FALSE – PLANT CELLS

12 Small hydrophobic molecules can easily pass through the plasma membrane. TRUE

13 In cell-level organization, cells are not specialized for different functions. FALSE – CELLS HAVE MANY DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS IN THE BODY AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL SUCH AS LUNG CELLS COMPARED TO SKIN CELLS.

14 Mitochondria contains its own DNA. TRUE

15 The plasma membrane is a single phospholipid layer that supports and protects a cell and controls what enters and leaves it. TRUE

16 The cytoskeleton is made from thread-like filaments and tubules. TRUE

17 Quickly Observe your plates at this time and draw any observations that you have made.

18 Turn to page 12 in your notebook. Single celled organisms rely heavily on adaptations to carry out life…Today we will be researching some of this topics. When you are finished you and your table will create a poster to represent your cellular adaptations. Suggestions: Pseudopdia, Cilia, Flagella, Eyespots, Pili, Contractile Vacuoles, Increased mitochondria. (This list is not all inclusive and you may add items that are not on this list.)

19 Once you and your partner have finished the assignment. 1.Place your picture on the wall. 2.Pick up Cell Membrane article from front of room. 3.This will be homework for all that don’t complete this assignment. We will move on once the last person has completed their posters.

20 Provides extra support, protection, and shape for the cell. Found outside the cell membrane Made of cellulose

21 Composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins. Fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the cell membrane: Fluid – Individual phsopholipids and proteins can move past each other; they are not fixed in one position. Mosaic – The membrane has more than one type of molecule (phospholipids and proteins)

22 Selectively permeable: regulates what enters and leaves the cell. This helps maintain homeostasis. Gives the cell (cytoplasm) shape. Explain why hydrophobic (“water-hating”) molecules can easily cross the plasma membrane, while hydrophilic (“water-loving”) molecules cannot.

23 The “filling” of the cell and is made of up to 90% water. Water provides the necessary environment for all the chemical reactions the cell needs.

24 Made of microtubules and microfilaments that provide structure and shape for the cell.

25 Surrounds the chromosome for additional protection. Made of a phospholipid bilayer. What are the benefits of the nucleus being made up of a phospholipid bilayer?

26 Store food, waste or water to be used inside the cell or excreted from the cell. Vacuoles are larger in plants than animal cells.

27 Organelle that helps with cell division. Ensure daughter cells have the correct number of chromosomes. Found only in animal cells.

28 Contain digestive enzymes which digest food contained in vacuoles as well as old or damaged parts.

29 Organelles full of chlorophyll that are the site of photosynthesis which produces sugars. (C ₆ H ₁₂ O ₆ ) Thylakoid responds to solar radiation to produce sugar. Composed of folded membranes for more surface area.

30 Packages materials for export from cells. Cellular “Post Office”

31 Site of cellular respiration which produces cell energy (ATP). Structure contains folded membranes which increases surface area allowing more space for reactions.

32 Extension of the nuclear envelope. Plays important role in cellular maintenance of lipids.

33 “Rough” because of the ribosomes attached to the membrane. Aids in protein production.

34 Organelles that are the site of protein synthesis. Proteins are essential for enzymes, structure, and communication. Which enzymes are in charge of communication?

35 A dense region located in the nucleus. Manufactures ribosomes.

36 Directs cell activity. Organized as chromosomes. Double helix in shape.

37 Tightly packed coils of DNA and proteins that form during cell division. (Mitosis) Human have 46.

38 External cell organelles that aid in movement. Flagella are long and whip like. Cilia are short and hair like.

39 Explain how the following organelles ensure that a cell has the proteins it needs: nucleus, rough and smooth ER, vesicles, and Golgi apparatus. Nucleus codes for the production of proteins. Rough and Smooth ER synthesis the peptide bonds and make the proteins. Golgi Apparatus packages the protein for use in and out of the cell. Vesicles are the packaged proteins.

40 What is endosymbiotic theory? How does it explain the presence of certain organelles in eukaryotic cells? Theory of the evolution of Eukaryotic organelles. Specifically organelles that contain DNA.

41 Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear and complete sentences. Discuss the properties of the plasma membrane that allow it to act as a barrier around the cell. Include the specifics of the phospholipid bilayer.

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