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Regional Workshop on Joint Programming for Neighbourhood East and South Guidance Pack: Summary EEAS/VI.B.2 Development Cooperation Coordination Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Workshop on Joint Programming for Neighbourhood East and South Guidance Pack: Summary EEAS/VI.B.2 Development Cooperation Coordination Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Workshop on Joint Programming for Neighbourhood East and South Guidance Pack: Summary EEAS/VI.B.2 Development Cooperation Coordination Division DEVCO/A2 Aid and Development Effectiveness and Financing

2 Objectives and components of the Guidance Pack  Objectives:  Provide practical guidance to EU Delegations and MS embassies on Joint Programming and also to HQs staff, based on 3 years of experience and good practices  Components:  Quick Guide  FAQs  Joint Analysis menu  Joint Response menu  Roadmap menu

3 FAQs: providing answers to key/recurrent questions (FAQs)  Benefits of joint programming  How to achieve, implement and monitor  Division of labour and synchronisation  Role of partner country  Role of capitals/HQs  Role of non-EU donors, civil society and private sector  Joint programming in fragile states and Middle Income Countries  Support and helpdesk functions

4 Joint Analysis menu  Political situation  Economic situation  Social situation and vulnerability  Environmental situation  Regional integration and cooperation  Country capacities  Donor presences  Overarching issues (Agenda for Change, ENI policies)

5 Joint Response menu  Advice on drafting process  Overview of EU+MS (current) cooperation  Overall vision on country  European values, common positions  Strategic objectives  Sectors of intervention  Synchronisation and (future) division of labour (process)  Fragile states: development/security, linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD)  Indicative allocations  Monitoring, evaluation and communication

6 Roadmap menu  Overview:  why JP; state of play; summary of country specific approach  Delivery schedule/process:  goals; added value; consultation government and other actors; structure of JP doc; endorsement procedure (with HQs); which (EU) donors participate; timeline/planning incl. intermediary steps  Communication to HQs:  what to expect from HQs to enable process; request for substitution of bilateral programming by JP  Challenges and risks

7 Consultative process with EU MS & status Consultative Process:  The Guidance pack was drafted by the team of technical assistants supporting Joint Programming, under the direction of DEVCO and EEAS  It has been submitted to EU MS for consultation and comments (technical seminar in Nov 2014) Status:  Positive response by EU DGs in Dec 2014  Finalising in the course of Feb; EEAS/DEVCO to share with EU DELs and MS HQs, which share with embassies  Posted on Cap4Dev. Access will be public, no password will be required!  More visibility for JP – sharing with information to the public at large – showcasing strong results

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