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Creating an Empowered Workforce and Mentoring Future Leaders

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Presentation on theme: "Creating an Empowered Workforce and Mentoring Future Leaders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating an Empowered Workforce and Mentoring Future Leaders
Debbie Frahm, Director - Ventura County LCSA Dolly Lomeli, Deputy Director - Orange County LCSA

2 Welcome! Just a few questions to get us started…
Which LCSA are you from? What is the size of your organization? What is your role in the organization? What do you hope to learn today?

3 Goals and Objectives Provide an overview of empowerment and mentoring
Discuss application and strategies for: Creating an empowered workforce and benefits to your organization Mentoring and creating a formal mentoring program Participants will share empowerment and mentoring ideas Participants will discuss what can be done to make this happen at the LCSA


5 Creating an Empowered Workforce
What does “creating an empowered workforce” mean to you? How will you know that you do or don’t have an empowered workforce? Where do you begin? Why is it important?

6 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Decision Making Set framework for decision making at the earliest and lowest possible level Provide decision making discretion Trust that your employees will make the right decision Learn from failure Provide employees the permission to fail Lessons learned

7 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Share information The more informed staff is, the better decisions they can make Let them know how they are doing; how the organization is doing Be clear on your expectations; individual and organizational Hold them accountable Recognize and acknowledge

8 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Allow your employees to thrive and grow through empowerment Maximizing resources allows organization to capitalize on the human resources available Create an environment where staff empowerment can be accomplished Begin with telling staff the story Provide staff the opportunity to understand and see the benefits Know staff strengths (and weaknesses) Get staff moving forward in the right direction Be adaptable

9 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Now the why! Helps develop your workforce Developing staff throughout their career builds a stronger workforce Begin with recruitment and selection process Continue as they begin their career and don’t stop there!

10 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Where do I begin? Plan! Be realistic Know and understand organization’s vision Obtain buy-in from Director, Executive team, and managers/supervisors Create the framework; involve others Begin with the end in mind Make this part of your culture Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

11 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Foundation for succession planning Prepares organization and staff for future opportunities Prepare staff for opportunities within the organization Retention

12 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Foundation for succession planning Staff development is a continuous process Provide opportunities to all staff Transparency is critical

13 Creating an Empowered Workforce
Empowering Practices Foster initiative and responsibility Link work activities to organizational goals Provide ample information Allow group members to choose methods Continue to lead


15 WHAT IS MENTORING? Learning partnership
Connecting an experienced employee with a less experienced employee Sharing knowledge and information Providing all employees with opportunity for and access to professional growth and development

16 WHAT MENTORING IS NOT Guaranteed promotion One-time event
Replacement for supervisory feedback or coaching Program for marginal performers

One-to-one voluntary pairing Built on trust, a commitment to confidentiality, and equality between mentor and mentee Must be structured, with clear objectives at the outset

Take initiative and show resourcefulness Develop a plan for accomplishing your goals Listen to advice and respond appropriately Understand terms and intent of the mentoring relationship Maintain confidentiality of the mentoring relationship Be committed and willing to learn

19 A GOOD MENTOR: Is absolutely credible Integrity transcends the message
Tells you things you may not want to hear but leaves you feeling you’ve been heard Interacts with people in ways that make them want to grow, learn, and be better Makes you feel secure enough to take risks Supports confidence to rise above your inner doubts and fears Supports your efforts to stretch goals for yourself Presents opportunities and highlights challenges you might not have seen on your own

Select a Mentoring Program Coordinator Determine Goals and Expectations of Program Establish structure: Length of mentoring cycle Frequency of mentor/mentee meetings Mentoring contract Criteria for selection of mentor/mentee volunteers Participant process for determining goals achieved and benefits derived Select candidates and match participants Evaluate benefits and outcomes

21 Take Aways Remember to appreciate the talent you have in your organization Utilize your human resources – they will never cease to amaze or surprise you Empowerment is “powerful” Mentoring is one of the most important things we can do as managers and leaders Your role as a leader is to look beyond today and think of the future for the organization and develop your staff

22 References Leadership Business
Thomas Magness, LBI Publishing business Leadership : Research Findings, Practices and Skills, 5th Edition Andrew Dubrin , Houghton Mifflin Company 2007 Successful Manager’s Handbook, 7th Edition Personnel Decision International (PDI),

23 Quotes Empowerment is all about letting go so that others can get going. Author, Kenneth Blanchard Effective leadership empowers people. Empowerment can be felt in four ways: People feel significant Learning and competence matter People are part of a community Work is exciting Author, Warren Bennis A Leader is Continually Developing Character and Competence in his/her Staff. Author Unknown

24 Questions? Debbie Frahm, Director Dolly Lomeli, Deputy Director
Ventura County LCSA Dolly Lomeli, Deputy Director Orange County LCSA

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