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Vocabulary Chapters 5-8 RL 5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text. Running Out of Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Chapters 5-8 RL 5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text. Running Out of Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Chapters 5-8 RL 5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text. Running Out of Time

2 flared Jessie reached out and felt the bottom where the pant leg flared slightly. Have any of you ever heard this word before? How was it used? flared-to open or spread outward. Do these jeans have a flared leg?

3 authentic In Clifton no one was allowed to use the words “okay” or “shut-up” because the village wouldn’t be authentic. Using context clues what do you think authentic might mean? Have you ever heard this word before? authentic-not false or imitation : real, actual.

4 rungs The rungs of the ladder were mossy and slick. What words in the sentence help you to determine the meaning? rungs- one of the crosspieces of a ladder.

5 alternating The floor of the corridor was smooth and shiny, with a pattern of alternating black and white squares. How did you determine the meaning? alternating- every other : every second. Are the squares on this checkerboard alternating?

6 eternity Determine the meaning of the following word: It seemed an eternity before Jessie reached a huge room at the end of the hall. eternity- infinite time.

7 silhouette Determine the meaning of the following word. “Looking up, Jessie could see the word LADIES on one, with a small silhouette of a woman in a bonnet and long dress, like Ma or any of the other women in Clifton might wear.” What text clues helped you figure out the meaning of the word? Silhouette- a solid, usually black, outline drawing, especially a profile.

8 etched “The silhouette was etched in a strange hard substance, but Jessie didn’t take the time to marvel at it.” What words help us decide the meaning of the word? Etched- to cut or carve a drawing or design on a surface. This grave has etched writing on it.

9 preoccupied “ She went slowly, preoccupied with gazing in the mirror.” What could cause you to be preoccupied? Preoccupied- completely absorbed in one’s thoughts.

10 Vaguely Determine the meaning of the following word. “Teenagers! The woman snorted. The word sounded vaguely familiar to Jessie.” Vaguely: in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear; slightly

11 reprimanded “Any adult in Clifton would have reprimanded the children and ordered them to say, Yes, ma’am, promptly and crisply.” When have you been reprimanded? Reprimanded- a severe or formal criticism.

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